Monday, March 28, 2022

Home sweet Home

We are back from the 2022 Cluster meeting in Cuzco, Peru. It was amazing! We had not had a cluster meeting since 2019 when we still lived in the Philippines. 


Interesting that out of seven DTA’s in Latin America only two remain. Most have retired. We are considered seasoned and the big question on our minds is, with a few years before Daniel retires, what would be our next assignment? We still don’t know. On Wednesday, we met with Bishop Budge and he didn’t say one way or the other if we were moving. Bishop Budge sends his love to all of you. 


All our apartments have people in them. As soon as our friend moved out of the apartment she has been using while her home was being built, our agent found someone who needs a place right away. It looks like there is a big housing shortage in Salt Lake and that includes rentals.   


We are going to a ground breaking for the Bahia Blanca temple in two weeks. For now, Daniel was left in charge of the area now that all the General Authorities are in Salt Lake for General Conference. Look out for Elder Hugo Martinez talk. Elder Martinez and his wife Nuria are from Puerto Rico currently serving in Ghana. They were our neighbors in Santo Domingo. I can’t wait to hear all about the trip Cristi, Nixon and Beckett took to Ghana. 


Well, it looks like our next assignment it is still up in the air. I am beginning to think that we probably will stay another year. We would know for sure in a month. 

Con amor,












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