Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Director's Seminar 11/20-11/23

We started the Director's seminar on Wednesday night by attending a temple session and than going the next day to Punta Cana. Dreams Resort and like always it turned out wonderful. That was probably the last time we go there if we move next year.

For me the highlight of the event was when Daniel spoke about a historic event that took place thirty years ago, when the first area presidency was introduced and now we are at another historic event because we are at a pivotal point as well when the self-reliance approach has been introduced. It is done the same way it was done when the pioneers organized themselves. He read D&C 136: 3,9,27 to become self-reliant and how they help others even when they didn't have much themselves. It is the same way now with the areas as each area becomes self reliant they are able to help other areas. He ended his presentation by saying: "We are the Church and He is at the helm."

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