Monday, November 10, 2014

Mateo is one

Today is my little nephews birthday, Mateo. He is a special boy because he came to a couple who couldn't have children for eleven years. Vanessa, my little sister was 39 when he was born last year. As a family we all prayed and prayed that she would some day have a child of her own. She is a stay at home wife, and had placed all her efforts on being a mother someday. Her husband is a good provider and an excellent husband and son. One that would make a wonderful father and for those very reasons our family felt that if any couple deserved to be parents was this one. Sometimes I don't know if this is a selfish desire because there so many children out there that need a home but I can't relate to not having any since I was fortunate to have three. I am tickle to death like Shirley would say that this angel finally made his debut a year ago today.

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