Friday, November 20, 2015

Getting my batteries charged

This past week we were invited to attend the Mission Presidents seminar. I love, love getting to know so many wonderful people who are truly serving the Lord 24/7 and felt of their goodness. I also love being instructed by our leaders and in this case not only the three Area Seventies attended this event but two Apostles and a Seventy. Three people came from Utah plus the three that live here equals six General Authorities and that is uncommon.

My favorite part is always when we divide the group so the women go to a special room just for us women and get to talk. The preparation the sisters do for this one event is incredible. I took notes but there was so much information I don't think it is posible to remember it all. The sisters had submitted some questions in advance so we could answer them. One question was: How do I know when I have done enough?

In this Mission Presidents seminar I was touched very deeply. I was when Elder Andersen made his final remarks. It was very powerful. I remember feeling my whole body feel a warmth that only is felt when the Holy Ghost is testifying to me, what he is saying is truth.

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