Monday, January 1, 2018

Time for a new Vision Board

The new year for me is more than just a change in calendar. It’s also the beginning of a new year in my life since it’s also my birthday on January 3rd so for me, it’s the perfect time to change something I need to start doing better. It’s the perfect time to take a good hard look at the things I want to change and recognize what actions I need to take to do that.  

This year I have decided to make a new vision board. I like to make one from time to time as a reminder of the things I need to focus on. This is the week to get out that cardboard sheet and a glue stick and find some pictures to represent everything you ever wanted! I hope you try doing this too. It works! It’s like a New Year resolution but with a specific, attainable and measurable goal in mind. I got this idea from Cristi who wrote an article about it on her weeds to wishes blog on January 10,th 2014. I even reposted the article on my Facebook page for all of you to read it because it has worked for me every time!

Example:  one of the things I had placed on previous vision boards was traveling extensively to amazing places like Japan, Uruguay, El Salvador and Australia which has all come to pass. Another picture on my vision board was buying and selling properties to expand my rental business which has also come to pass. This past year, I sold my old  home to purchase a two bedroom apartment in City Creek. Another picture on my vision board was completing writing a chapter on a book which came out this past April. Get the picture? Try it, I am sure that whatever you place on that vision board will eventually happen because you get so focused on getting it done!

One suggestion I have as you prepare to make your vision board is to sit down and make a list of each of your talents you see in yourself. Every one of us came into this world having our own unique talents. Some are obvious talents such as music, dance, voice, writing, painting, etc. while others have less visual talents so whether your talents are obvious or not, the talents you have can become very powerful in your life if you recognize them, develop them and appreciate them.

Think hard about it. Make sure you remember to list every one of your talents and don’t be shy about it. Even the ones that are not as obvious or visual. Keep those talents in mind as you set your goals for the new year and make sure you are not ignoring those things that will naturally make you a huge success in your life. And remember that a loving Heavenly Father gave you those talents but what you do with them is all up to you. It is our job to make the most of them.

My quote for the new year I will place on my Vision board reads: “I want to remember that no one is going to make my dreams come true for me… it is my job to get up every day and work toward things that are deepest in my heart… and to enjoy every step of the journey rather than wishing I was already where I want to end up.” Anonymous

Happy New Year Everyone!

Con amor,


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