Tuesday, September 28, 2021

D & C 106-108

D & C 106-108 Take-Aways 


106 is about the second coming. Hastening the work. Be prepared. Separate from mundane crafts so our efforts can be spent in joining the Kingdom of God. 

Place your name for Warren Cowdery 

Conversion is unique to each individual. Oliver happens so quickly, not so much for Warren  

Warren Cowdery was older than Oliver and was prosperous, worry of what people thought of him but eventually joined the Church to later leave it, an example of what not to do. However, he was asked to preside over a branch in Freedom, New York. 

April 2007 Elder Holland’s Talk “The Tongue of Angels”

Elder Christofferson talk” Why do we have Churches” 

Who cares about your brick house when you can have a mansion up above

107 is the most complete section on the priesthood, It’s about the quorums and priesthood offices and priesthood leadership.

There are two priesthoods: Melchizedek and Aaronic.

68 Aaronic goes from father to son. Temporal and Spiritual priesthoods 

The real name is “The Holy Priesthood after the order of the Son of God” a.k.a. “Melchizedek” don’t take His name in vain. 

107: 22 The First Presidency is form. We uphold them with our confidence, faith and prayer. 

The quorum of the twelve are witnesses of the name of Christ  

There 30,000 Christian denominations alone 

Most people read Sec. 1, 20, 84, and 107 

How do you come up with solutions to problems? You do it in righteousness, holiness, lowliness of heart, meekness, long-suffering, in faith, in virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity. Also found in sec. 4 and 2 Peter 1 He lists the attributes for becoming like Christ. It has an order. Come to understand the mind of Christ. There should be unanimity and Christ attributes. 

The unanimity helps off set the flawtility  

In 107 it invites us to learn our duty in a new calling.

Three key words: Preside, sit in council and teach

For every husband and wife who has a big decision to make read 107: 30. You marry your blessing and need to council together on how to come up with complex decisions.

Out of many opinions and clear decision is made, align with Christ. 

There is local and General Authorities. A Seventy can preside over the area and a Seventy as a General Authority presides over the world. 

107: 85-89 “When a woman young or old is set apart to preach the gospel as a full time missionary, she is given priesthood authority to perform a priesthood function. We are not accustomed to speaking of women having the authority of the priesthood in their Church callings but what other authority can it be?” Elder Oaks 

When a woman is set apart to function as an officer or teacher in a church organization under the direction of one who holds the keys of the kingdom. She has priesthood power. 

Any time you are asked to do something is by priesthood power.

In Hebrew Melchizedek means keys of righteousness 

Hood is the condition of becoming a priest. Look at Jacob 2:2

An evangelical minister is a Patriarch 

Stake Patriarchs used to be cleared by the First Presidency 

They were all written in the Book of Enoch to understand how our husbands, children and grandchildren are connected to the priesthood line. 

The Bishop is the Judge in Israel 

The Twelve calling is to be a special witness to the name of Christ 

All Covenant keeping women and men have access to all the spiritual blessings of the Church.

What causes doubt in the Church is not knowing those men who are guiding our Church and know the lives they live. 

The end of controversy is when we know it comes from the Lord. 

The heavens are just as open to women who are endowed with God’s power flowing from their priesthood covenants as the men who bare the priesthood.

Long gone are the days when an apostle attended Stake Conferences. 

107:96 is a scripture unfolding before our eyes

Ordinances is how we provide order

There is a reason for this order that will fill l the whole earth. 

Offices of Aaronic Priesthood: Bishop, Priest, Teacher, Deacon, 

Offices of Melchizedek Priesthood: Apostle, Seventy, patriarch, High Priest, Elder 

Quorum is to act unanimously. One mind, one spirit. 

Elder Oaks talk on October 2014 Priesthood power is given to all men and women.

Every woman and every man who make covenants and who participate worthily in priesthood ordinances has direct access to the power of the God. 

Those who are endowed in the House of the Lord receive the gift of priesthood power by virtue of their covenant along with the gift of knowledge to know how to draw that power upon  

I pray that truth will register upon each of you because I believe it will change your life

Sisters, you have the right to draw liberally upon the Savior’s power to help your family and others you love. 

The First Presidency and quorum of the Twelve existed even in the time of Moses. 

Old Testament: Exodus 17 :12; Numbers 1: 4-6; Exodus 24: 9-10; Numbers 11: 16-17

Days of Christ: Luke 9: 28; Luke 6: 12-16; Luke 10: 1-2, 17

Today: D & C 107: 22; D & Cn 107: 23; D & C 107: 25 

The First Presidency are given the keys and those keys are also upon the twelve apostles 

Strengthen your brothers and sisters in all your conversation in all your prayers, in all your exhortations, and in all your doings. D & C 108: 7 

Con amor,













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