Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Tuesday's Tea

I love the idea of zipping into a nice warm cup of herbal tea. Ideally, it would be a time to invite friends over for tea but we live in a world that keeps us so busy that having people over for tea is not as easy to do, however, I like the idea to take time for me. 


Time to ponder about those things that matter most to me, those things of the spirit and this is what I love to do each Tuesday. 


By now, I have heard every lesson and every pod cast on a particular set of scriptures. In my case, I listened to about 20 podcasts through the week while I am busy cleaning, or cooking. Ironing is not that boring of a task when I am listening to Follow Him with Hank Smith and John Bytheway or Don’t Miss This by Emily Freeman and David Butler or Real Talk by Scott Sorensen and Ganel-Lyn Condie but when I want to get serious in my study, I listen to Unshaken by Jared Halverson or Act in Doctrine, or Taylor and Tyler of Book of Mormon Central or Scripture Gem or Brother Miller’s Notes or Scott and Chelsie or Talking Scripture or Scripture Power or even the B.Y.U Religious Education program to name a few and I love them all!  


Here are my takeaways in my study of Sections 94-97 from last week:

Build your life after the pattern given by the Lord

The word temple comes from the word template which means pattern

The Lord loves those whom he chastens 

The temple and the home are foundations for an eternal family

The temple, the words of the living prophets and the scripture are central to my life

Dedicate more wholly unto the Lord 

Get rid of anything unclean 

From the Old Testament found in Kings 8:37 to too Isaiah 28:21 to the new testament found in 1 Corinthians 3:6 to D & C 94:1 to our day, God wants us to build temples

The Kirkland temple was more of a restoration temple where keys were given 

A temple is the place where heaven and earth are connected 

We build temples to give us a place to take our most holy desires unto the Lord

In the temple, the Lord pours out his spirit upon us

The temple is where we take our burdens 

The temple is the place where we give thanks and obtain knowledge 

The temple is where we partner with God 

The temple needs to be at the center of our lives 

The temple prepares us to do God’s work 

We are endowed with power when we go to the temple

Each temple is unique and not build after the manner of the world 

The Latter-day Saints during this time were poor dealing with persecution

Mobs destroyed the printed press and people’s private property

Our members were abolitionists and moving to a state who had slaves caused friction 

There was a big difference between Kirkland, Ohio and Jackson County, Missouri 

We build temples to thank the Lord as an offering of our gratitude

The temple is a place of instruction where we always learn something new 

Many things are learned only by attending the temple 

If you want to be better at anything, go to the temple

If you are trying to make a big decision, go to the temple 

The temple is the place where you can find God. It’s His home. We get to know Him

The temple allows us to connect with God in sacred ways 

The temple is a type of school 

Everything in the temple is symbolic from the clothes you wear the words spoken, etc.

Ceremonies are so deep and symbolic that they teach us new things 

The temple is for preparation, the spirit, power, prayer, strength, thanksgiving and instruction 

Find a place in your home dedicated to the Lord that resembles the spirit found in the temple 


Con amor,


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