Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Beauty is found in the heart

If you were to rank most deadly animals to humans to least deadly taking animals such as crocodiles, dogs, lions, sharks, mosquitos and snakes. Mosquitos rank the highest over 800, 000 deaths per year compare to 60,000 for snakes, 17, 000 from dogs, 1,000 from crocodiles, 100 from lions and 6 from sharks. 


After being forced out of Missouri during the winter of 1838-39, the Saints moved two hundred miles to the Northeast. They began to settle a swamp area across the Mississippi River, originally named Commerce, Illinois. By July 1839, there was an outbreak of Malaria because of the mosquitoes in the swampy area. Malaria continued to afflict the Saints into 1840. 


It is interesting how Joseph Smith changed the name of Commerce to Nauvoo which in Hebrew means beautiful or a beautiful place. What’s so beautiful about malaria filled swamps? In the eyes of many, probably nothing. “the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.’ (1 Samuel 16: 7) Thankfully, the Saints could find beauty even in a place like that because the Lord can see the beauty in any circumstance. One of the ways Nauvoo became beautiful was the people that dwelt in it and the temple.


Con amor,


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