Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Vero's notes

D & C 111-114 

111 What to do when we make mistakes? When we make mistakes give your follies to God 

God can take our follies Romans 8: 28

The Church is struggling financially and in a huge debt. They were land rich but cash poor and the loss of money led to loss of faith. They had loan money to build the Kirkland temple because every temple completed lessens the power of Satan and increases the power of Godliness. Which only means that Satan will step up his game. 

A treasure is not always money, it can be a spiritual treasure 

Joseph is very preoccupied with current situates, circumstances and temporal affairs 

They start a type of Credit Union but failed. Many investors lose money and Joseph Smith loses most. Many decided to leave the Church and apostatized. 

The Lord has many treasures prepared for us, even those we can’t see

The Lord invites us to become humble, meek and lowly of heart

The Lord calls apostles in His Restored Church to help us. They hold priesthood keys and are witnesses of Christ’s name to all nations proclaiming warnings and repentance, love and serve all men. Open the doors of nations for missionary work for themselves and to call others.

Purify yourselves and take up the cause of Christ. Honor the Prophet and priesthood keys as they are delegated by him. 

I Salem in the 1690’s many people were killed for witchcraft. In 1834, two years before the revelation 111 was given, a convent was burned by protestants. 


Thomas B. Marsh was a great leader but he was proud and jealous. Pride was his problem 

Joseph Smith sent missionaries to England without asking Thomas Marsh his opinion

The straw that broke the camel’s back was when his wife and a friend exchanged milk to make cheese and it turned out to be a case of crying over spilled milk. Elizabeth Marsh was found guilty after various attempts to clear her name. Later he said:” The Lord could get along very well without me and He has lost nothing by my falling out of the ranks; O what have I lost?  


Is about Isaiah 11 and what the angel Moroni prophesied

Jessie is the father of David 

There is new growth out of old a cut down tree “scattered remnants are exhorted to return to the Lord from whence they have fallen. (113:10)

This is a good exercise of asking questions when we are reading the scriptures


David Patten died before his mission call. They called him captain fear not. He became the first martyr. Dies from shot wounds to the stomach in his wife’s arms.  He told his wife the following” I feel that I have kept the faith, I have finished my course, henceforth there  is laid up for me a crown which the Lord, the righteous judge will give me. “And then he said too his wife, Phoebe, “Whatever you do else, O do not deny the faith.” 

“Let no man be afraid to lay down his life for my sake, for whoso ever lay down his life for my sake shall find it again.” (D & C 103:27) 


Con amor,


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