Thursday, October 21, 2021

Visiting Paradise

 I love visiting Historic sites and one that took my breath away was Adam-ondi-Ahman. I remember taking a photo there with Daniel and feeling a sense of gratitude for Adam and Eve, our first parents. I also thought of how amazing it is that the place looks untouched, like time has remained still for centuries and will stay that way until the second coming. How neat is that! 

I loved walking through the perfectly manicured meadows and the shady beautiful groves.The fences are painted white and the lawns are freshly moved. Every tree whispers of the past and it stands waiting for what the future holds. The feeling of peace is surreal! 

I love how the Church is taking such good care of this sacred ground but the question is, would I be there among the chosen? I sure hope so.  I hope that someday in the future our whole family can all be there as well among all those who had come to see Christ. That is the promise and I am sure it will happen the way it has been explained in Doctrine and Covenants. 

Con amor,


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