Monday, June 5, 2017

Class of 2017

Every May and first part of June it's once again not only the end of Spring and the beginning of Summer but also of graduation season as well.  It means the end of a school era, and for High School graduates, it also means the beginning into adulthood. This year we had one member in our family graduating from College and three graduating from High school.

Congratulations to Spencer Krone, son-in-law who obtained a bachelor degree and the same goes to those High School graduates this year:
My nephew, Andres Behner: son of Liz and Eric Behner
My cousin once removed, Christian Hold: son of Margie and Mike Holt
My cousin once removed, Summer Smith: daughter of Marites and Roy K. Smith
But for all practical purposes my cousins once removed are more like nieces and nephews to me because I love being an aunt even when it has been years since I saw them.

Last night, I came across a blog post that contained life lessons that were shared from different people – the post doesn’t show the names of the people that shared these so I can’t list them for you, but the lessons shared were very inspiring to me.  Each “I’ve learned” contains wisdom that we can all learn from so I wanted to share the list with all of you because as I have gotten older there is something about feeling connected as a member of a family that I treasure so much. In our case is the Henriquez family connection that goes back to my grandparent’s union in 1939. As the oldest cousin, I have the responsibility to tell them things my grandmother would say to them if she were alive. So here is what I think she would tell her Great-grandchildren who are graduating this year.

Dear graduates:
Anything is possible. Everything can and will change and hopefully for the better.

Find your greatest talent and cultivate it. Great things take time!

You were born in the most amazing era this world has ever known. Be thankful!

If you ever experience a broken heart, remember that the best way to heal a heart is to give God all the pieces! Have faith that in the end it all will work out!

Please remember that not getting what you want may be a blessing!

Don't worry about other people's negativity. If you have a dream, go for it!

I’ve learned that you can keep going long after you can’t.

I’ve learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

I’ve learned that either you control your attitude or it controls you.

I’ve learned that it’s taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.

I’ve learned that heroes are the people who do what needs to be done when it has to be done, regardless of the consequences.

I’ve learned that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.

I’ve learned (the hard way) that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.

I’ve learned that two people can look at the same thing and see something totally different.

I’ve learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you’re down, will be the ones to help you get back up.

I’ve learned that sometimes when I feel I may have the right to be angry it doesn’t give me the right to be cruel.

I’ve learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you’ve had and what you’ve learned from them, and less to do with how many years you have lived.

I’ve learned that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.

I’ve learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.

I’ve learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.

I’ve learned that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.

I’ve learned that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you; You will find the strength to help.

I’ve learned that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don’t even know you.

I’ve learned that it isn’t always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

I’ve learned that it’s not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts

I’ve learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
These quotes are exactly what I needed to read today because for some unknown reason I woke up with “torticollis” or neck ache, I was feeling as if my sugar level went up or my hormones were doing its thing or some chemical imbalance.

I don’t know, I am usually a happy person but I was not that pleasant to be around this morning and I truly need to apologize. I was on the phone with my sister Liz when two people showed up to our apartment un announced! I hadn’t showered, had no make- up and was still wearing my nightgown and the house was a mess so I was in no mood for guests. They are going to remodel another apartment and wanted to see what we have.

I don’t know, but I do know that I need to do some repenting and It’s nice to try and take the wisdom others share and incorporate it into our own lives.  I have found that it is much easier to learn from others mistakes than to have to make them ourselves so I try to learn from as many sources as possible!  Today I learned that I need to chill so I’m going to play the “despacito” song and start dancing J

Have a great life!

Con amor,
tia Vero

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