Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Summer Solstice makes me happy!

Jume 21 marks the longest day of the year. I remember when I lived in Utah how I hated the long winter days and how I craved for Summer to finally arrived and alas, every year,  June finally came!

However it is a little ironic that we are going to be cold this Summer because for ten days we are going to South America where is Winter. (no me gusta) But we should be happy because it is a chance to see Daniel's mom once more, to attend a wedding and to get Daniel's new passport and even look into doing some investing in Punta del Este if we think it will be worth it. It is also a good time to visit Buenos Aires and make it a real vacation so today instead on regretting the fact that we are going to be cold, I will share we can remember to be happy.  Enjoy,

Con amor,

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