An hour and a half from Manila is a place so beautiful and so secluded, you would think you are in the jungles of Brazil or Central America. This is known as The Masungi Ecopreserve. The vegetation there is so thick and the rocky formations are majestic! This is my hardest hike so far, even harder than Machu picchu or climbing the ruins of Chichi Itza mostly because most of the hike is going up and up and in some places the only way to get from point A to point B is to hike the rope. This is one hike that took my breath away literally!
This outing reminded me of the time I was a kid. How excited you were to ride your bike around the neighborhood with your friends or go on the slide to the swimming pool, or run to the nearest store to get an ice cream cone or climb your neighbors backyard tree house! All those things sound so much like Summer! Well, what I love about the tropical climate is that Summer fun in the Philippines NEVER STOPS because here Summer is all year! Yay!
Having said that, I have to admit that it can get HOT!!

Today, I rediscovered the wonder and excitement of the inner kid in me. I wished all my children, grandchildren, my sisters and their children ages 13 and up had been there with me too. You have to be 13 to qualify to do the hike. The groups gathers at the beginning for a briefing of what to expect on this hike and you sign some release forms too. There are bathrooms to use at the start but nothing once you start your hike for the next three hours. You also need to take the water that you would need on the hike. They discourage you to take a heavy bag because you don't need to carry anything but water and they even provide lockers for you to leave your belongings.

It all was fine and dandy until toward the end when I felt very hot. I was sweeting big drops of sweet and hyperventilating too. I honestly thought for a moment I was going to pass out so I closed my eyes and said a little prayer, "please Heavily Father, don't let me pass out" and that is when someone whispered in my ear, sit down and take some water, so I did.
All the sisters in the group were so sweet to offer me their water and their snacks and even carried my backpack. It was amazing to witness all their true concern for this poor soul who was slowing them down but they didn't care about themselves as much as they cared about my well being and that is true friendship! That is what our Relief Society group of sisters is all about and I am grateful to be part of such an incredible, compassionate group of amazing faithful women.
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