Friday, June 23, 2017

5 Lessons in Managemnt

Daniel was asked to speak to the employees at a training. The leaders asked him to share the top five lessons he has learned as a D.T.A. (Director for Temporal Affairs) Top five…wow, that is intimidating to have to pick the top five. So last week he really tried to reflect on what he would point to as his top five lessons he has learned.

 Daniel has learned so many things over the years that it would take an entire book to put them all down, but he tried to and pick the five that were the foundation for all of the lessons he has learned…

 Top 5 lessons in Management he has learned along the way.

 1. Always do the right thing…Always…No matter what the consequences of doing the right thing will be. At the end of the day there is nothing more valuable than your integrity, both in life and in business. There will be times in your life when you will have the opportunity to take shortcuts into the gray areas that may very well help you get what you want more quickly or more easily. You may even tell yourself that everyone else does it so why shouldn’t I? The reality is that no matter how tempting those shortcuts may appear they will never lead you to where you ultimately want to be in your life. Success will come and go but integrity is forever. If you always choose to do the right thing, it won’t matter what the outcome is because you will be successful as a human being in the areas that matter most. And there is just no better feeling than knowing you did the right thing, in the right way…that is true success.

 2. Daniel has learned much about the legacy of a good leader. He believes that the key to being a good leader is to value and care for the people that you lead. Great leaders believe in the people that they lead, they help each person to see the potential that exists inside of them and they believe in their people’s ability to achieve amazing things. It is their belief in you that inspires you to go the extra mile and to reach beyond what you thought you were capable of doing. Seeing your potential through their eyes helps you to get a glimpse of everything you can achieve in your life. Daniel had indeed been truly blessed with many great leaders throughout his career. They inspired him to accomplish all that they thought he was capable of, even when he didn’t feel that confidence on his own. He trusted that they knew what he could do better than he did, and if they thought he could be fabulous then he was going to believe them and go for it. That is how great leaders lead. He hopes that he is living up to that legacy of leadership that they have created for him.

3. Daniel believes in the power of setting goals. He has had a goal format done in every area of his work ever since Bishop Bateman taught him how to do it in 1995.  He now refers to it as a way to measure how well he is accomplishing what he is set to do.  Literally everything he has planned to do as a goal over the years has come to pass, and so he just keeps adding bigger and better things on his goal chart because he has seen how well it works. However, be flexible with goal setting if they need to change because when you limit the goals you make, you are limiting the possibilities that can come into your life. That is the biggest lesson you need to learn. – we should never limit the picture we have in our heads because God intends us to be a masterpiece!

4. Teamwork: or the phrase, I will be the one!

5. Last but not least, a component of Daniel’s leadership qualities comes from leading like the Savior. That is the foundation of every other skill, quality, or key to the way he likes to lead.

I hope that the lessons Daniel has shared will be useful to all of you as well. He has had the honor and privilege of being the leader for what I consider the most amazing group of people that any leader could ask to have. He feels so fortunate to have learned so much from all of you and I want you to know how much he means it when he says that he does believe in you and he does believe in all that you can accomplish. He wants to help and support each of you to grow into the masterpieces that your lives are meant to be!

At the meeting there was a moment when the people were hesitant to make some needed changes so he decided to play the song "Let it go" from Frozen and everyone in the room was sining it. This was such a fun way to teach a good concept that sometimes it is necessary to let it go and move on! 

Con amor,

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