Today is Father's Day in El Salvador so to celebrate we went shopping for food and while we were there, we also decided to get pedicures. Daniel likes them too!

I thought the movie was PG because many kids primary age have seen it but then learned that it was actually PG 13 when we asked Charlotte if she had seen the movie but she is too young. Good to know. I was not paying attention at the ratings. Now because I am very sensitive about what I allowed my own children to see I want to remind parents that the movie is PG-13, not PG.
There is definitely a lot of violence in the movie because it takes place during wartime and has several fight scenes. As far as age appropriateness goes I would say it is along the same lines as seeing an Iron Man movie. So I wouldn’t recommend it for younger children for those reasons. As far as swearing goes I don’t recall there really being swearing in the movie or I didn’t notice it so I think it was safe on that front and there were no sex scenes either.
I took Daniel to see this movie because he loves action movies. Those types are his favorites. I have started to like them too. I at least know I very much enjoyed the last Fast and Furious we saw. I will say the producers of Wonder Woman did a great job of setting it up for plenty more Wonder Woman movies to come (yay!).
The movie had a lot of humor and tons of laugh out loud moments. There were also a lot of moments that showed great depth of character and I liked that a lot. Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) is fantastic and so is Steve Trevor (Chris Pine).
My sister Liz and I have looked up to that 1970's character Wonder Woman since we were teens. Linda Carter still looks great even today. If I remember correctly, she stood for goodness and kindness. In a couple of weeks when we get to Utah we hope all the women in our family can go see this movie if they are still showing it. It is such a fun movie to watch with other women.
Con amor,
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