Sunday, June 11, 2017

A special broadcast

Today Daniel went to the office to monitor the Broadcast. We had already watched it yesterday because he had it pre-recorded on a dvd in case the Satellite or the Internet didn't work. They were all prepared so it all went well!

 Every two years there is a special Broadcast to an Area. The brethren assigned to the Area give talks from Salt Lake City just like they would at General Conference but in this case it is very specific to the needs of each Area and that day was today here in the Philippines.

The topics that were covered were essentially on marriage, family, the Holy Ghost, Tithing and keeping the Sabbath. All very basic but so needed. The Area plan is very direct and simple too. Obey, Covenant and Establish. That is what Daniel talks about every time he is asked to speak in Church.

I stayed home and listened to another session of Conference while I got some fruit ready to take to the Bowens. At 1:00 p.m. we were invited to have dinner with the Area Presidency. It was Elder Schmutz birthday last Tuesday so we got to celebrated it today. The menu included ham, funeral potatoes, hot vegetables, fruit, home made bread and cake. This is one good Sunday meal I love to prepare whenever I have people over.

As we were talking there was a story shared of a man and his family who the Bowens met recently as they were doing a mission tour. They had gone out to watch the sunset when all of the sudden there was a fellow sweeping the floor of this beach home so they went over to talk to him. They met their family and had a discussion from Elder Bowen translated in Tagalog by the Mission President of that area, the family are now taking the discussions with the missionaries and are getting baptized in July. In the Philippines people are friendly and receptive. There are people out there who are ready to receive the message to follow Christ and want to belong to his Church.  It is one of those sweet stories that makes it all worth it.

Con amor,

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