I love this
“I want to remember that no one is going to make my dreams
come true… it is my job to get up every day and work toward the things that are
deepest in my heart… and to enjoy every step of the journey rather than wishing
I was already where I want to end up.“
I have
sometimes wonder what are my talents? What am I good at doing? What have I done
with my talents?
There is
something amazingly powerful when a person takes their God given talents and
puts them to use in a big way. Cristi has been teaching mothers about parenting
ideas. Mandy is teaching kids about animals from the Zoo and Bianca has been
recording her beautiful voice and I have been writing a chapter that finally
became part of a Book.
Every one of us
came into this life having our own unique talents. Some are obvious talents
such as music, or dance, or writing, while others have less visual talents such
as the ability to appreciate others or a sensitivity to other feelings or the
ability to recognize talents in others. Whether your talents are publicly
obvious or not, the talents you have can become very powerful in your life if
you recognize them, develop them, and appreciate them.
A few days ago,
I read a blog post about the Magic of the Goal Poster. She wrote:
” I am hoping
all of you were able to read it, and if you were not I would strongly suggest
you take the time to read it over. It is probably the most important tip for
success I could ever share with you, because making your Goal Poster is one of
the most impactful things you can do for your life. I really hope everyone will
decide to make one. One suggestion I have as you prepare to make your poster is
to sit down and make a list of each of the God given talents you see in
yourself. Don’t be shy about it; you are the only one who will see this list so
make sure you don’t hold back in listing your talents.
Think hard
about it. Make sure you remember to list every one of your talents, even the
ones that are not as obvious or visual. Once you have completed your list of
talents make sure that some of your goals you set on your poster tap into those
special talents you have. I truly believe that people will have the greatest
personal and financial success in their life when they put their talents to
work. I believe there is always a reason that God gave you the individual
talents you have. I don’t believe for a second that there were any mistakes
made in determining what talents each of us would possess. I also believe that
when we tap into the special talents we have and use them to their fullest that
it makes us amazingly AWESOME!
Keep that in
mind as you set your goals and make sure you aren’t ignoring those things that
will naturally make you a huge success in your life. And remember that God gave
you the talents, but what you do with them is all on you. It is our job to make
the most of them. “ Now it’s time to write my next chapter.
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