Thursday, June 25, 2020

Celebrate our Differences

Thoughts on 98 days of quarantine. 

The world would be a genuinely boring place if all of us were the exact same – if we liked the exact same things, wore the exact same clothes, liked the exact same music, played the exact same sport, had the same talents.  Don’t you agree? 

Yet we often spend time judging people precisely for being different when we should be celebrating the differences we each bring to the table. Never judge anyone because they don't share your same interests. 

I saw this quote but don't know who to give the credit." We shouldn’t judge others for being different than we are because it’s those differences that make the world amazing and wonderful.  It’s those differences that make all our little individual puzzle pieces fit into one beautiful picture.  And if we could all start to appreciate those differences and celebrate those differences our word would be a much nicer place. After all, some of us are oranges, some are bananas, some are apples and some are grapes, but together we make a dang good fruit salad!  So bust out the whipped cream and enjoy."  

I will leave you with this great quote: 
“Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate.  We are different precisely in order to realize our need of one another.”  -Desmond Tutu 

Con amor,

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