Wednesday, June 24, 2020

I belong to the Human Race. Period!

Thoughts on 97 days of quarantine.

Never in my wildest dreams I would have thought that being a Hispanic Woman, I would not be considered a minority, on the contrary, I am the enemy only because I happen to also be white.

I was born in El Salvador and have lived in many foreign countries and for that reason I have always been grateful for the fact that in The United States, general speaking, is a place where widely held grievances often lead to peaceful demonstrations and quite rarely resulted in violent or lawless behavior, but that has slowly been changing over the years because the culture has changed.

Many leftists radicals organizations are promoting chaos, and terrorism. Their founders are people who planted seeds of oppressive evil and they will take advantage of any excuse to promote their agenda. They are forcing their beliefs on others and they can't deal with the fact that some people like me, don't have the same exact mind-set as they do.

Having our own mind is what makes us all individuals and unique but they can't handle the fact that I may have opposing views as they do and for that reason those people come across in theirs eyes as bigots and racists. They don't understand that people like me don't have to agree with what they believe to be a decent human and their friend. We are all of one race. The human race. Period!

Con amor,

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