Thoughts on 96 days of quarantine.
This photo was taken in 1976
left to right: Wendy, Rafael, Veronica and Roberto.
A dear friend, Rafael, notified me that his brother in law and best friend, Roberto Cea, passed away on Monday due to the virus. He is a dear friend of mine too. We have known each other for over forty years. He was as a kind person as I have met and it must be heartbreaking for his wife and family to lose him so unexpectedly.
When tragedy like this happens we immediately ask “Why?” Why did this amazing father and husband with so much to live for have to get taken so suddenly, especially right around Father’s Day. Why would a loving Father in Heaven take him when he had so much to live for, when so many people here needed him?
I asked those same questions when a good friend Lily died from cancer a few years ago. I was devastated for her family and those who knew her. I was so saddened that this healthy, amazing, kind woman would be taken so quickly. She was such a dear friend with so much life to still live, and then one day she was just gone. No explanations, no seemingly good reason. Why had God taken her too? What purpose could that serve? Why are good people taken from our lives?
I don’t know the answer to those questions. I honestly don’t. But what I do know is that God is a loving Father and I trust that whatever happens, He knows why. Even when we can’t understand it, even when it seems so hard to us with our limited understanding of his plan. I still trust that whatever happens He is in charge.
I think I came to truly believe that more and more as I experienced pain, trials, hurt, and loss throughout my life. Each time I was tested I had to ask myself – “What do I believe here?” And with each experience my faith in a loving God grew stronger and stronger. Many positive things can come into our life as a result of our trials, but the one that I believe to be the most positive is what trials can do to strengthen our belief in God, and to solidify our faith, if we allow them to.
My heart aches for Roberto’s family and how I wish I had words to make their hurt go away, but I don’t. I can only be grateful that both my family and they believe in Christ who taught that our life doesn’t end when our physical bodies die. I believe that our spirits go on to the spirit world to continue to live there while they wait until the day when we will be united with them again. I am grateful we believe that families can be together forever. If it wasn’t for my faith, I don’t know how I could get through difficult times like this. I am forever grateful for my faith. And I am forever grateful for the belief that families can be together forever.
“When such a friend from us departs, we hold forever in our hearts a sweet and hallowed memory, bringing us nearer, Lord to thee.”
Till we meet again,
Con amor,
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