Thoughts on 78 days on quarantine.
Last month, when I took a Mater Class, the instructor dedicated a lesson about finding time to do those things that matter to us the most but never find time to do them. Let's face it, we all are only given 24 hours in a day and finding time to do all we want to do can be tricky.
My wish list consisted of finding time to do yoga, exercise, meditation and reading my scriptures each morning. Write in my blogs and journals, cook healthy, practice piano for half hour, attend the temple each week, host dinner parties with friends, go on fun dates, watch for opportunities to do service, manage our rentals, clean and organize every room in our home, do the laundry and all that comes with organizing our closets. Read a book each week, organize our photos to finish the scrapbooks, finish the ABC book for the grandkids, do our taxes, make an inventory of our food storage, and write my first book to name a few. And now is the time to do them as we are on lockdown.
Every person can list 10 things or tasks that we can eliminate from our busy day, as well as the amount of time that would be freed up by doing so. Then total the time you could gain by cutting those activities.
If you are struggling to think of anything, here are some common things successful people eliminate from their days: sleeping in, television, needlessly checking on emails or phone, digital games, tasks that should be delegated to others, over eating, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, or any social media scrolling news, unnecessary meetings.
It was a no brainer. I eliminated a few things and found five extra hours in my day. Yay! What didn't I think of that!
Com amor,
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