Thursday, June 11, 2020

Looking back

Thoughts on 84 days of Quarantine. A throwback Thursday post.

One question I have been asked is " What would you tell your 20 year old self"
These are the top ten things I would say:

#1 Your wealth in life will not be measured by your balance sheet because you cannot take it with you in the end. Choose your friends wisely. Life’s wealth is compromised of the friends and family you hold dear. Do what it takes to keep your relationship alive and well. Daniel and I have made friends we will treasure for a lifetime. 

#2 Happiness is found within. Over the years, I have had the opportunity of knowing people in a variety of circumstances. What has been more revealing is learning of the struggles and challenges that virtually everyone has endured or is currently experiencing. There are business failures, job losses, health crises, addictions, marriage struggles, wayward children, untimely deaths and so forth.

#3 Problems are the rule, not the exception, but we need to live in a manner of happiness despite those trials. We need to find comfort and move on beyond them. The trick is to live a purpose-driven life. Pastor Rick Warren wrote a bestseller on that topic. His point was simple. If you live your life solely for yourself, for good times and fun, our life will be shallow, empty, and unfulfilling. An abundant life is one that is lived for a purpose greater than oneself.

#4 Do something you love every day. Take time for you each day. It’s critical that you find time for yourself. For me, is doing yoga and meditating before I say my first prayer in the morning. Whenever for some reason I skip doing that, my day does not go as well. I’m convinced that having something to look forward to each day is a must to keep balance from all your must do tasks. Find something you love doing, cultivate it, and your life will be richer. I have known very unhappy people. I’ve found that the best cure for unhappiness is going out and doing something for someone else. 

#5 Kindness will win any argument and not only that but go out of your way to do nice things for other people even when they are not nice to you. Some of the most successful people I admire like Amy Anderson who wrote “what Awesome looks like” follows this rule to a tea, she believes in going out of your way to help other people which helped her business grow in the end. What is distinctive about Amy is that she genuinely enjoys doing things for others and has made it an integral part of her life.  

#6 Cultivate love for learning. That is self explanatory. “The ability to learn how to learn and learn to love learning will set you on a path for success/” David A. Bednar. 
#7 Scripture power. It’s worth paying a good deal of attention to what our scriptures tell us to do. What it says makes life better, happier, more fulfilling, and more abundant. Here is a little secret. Tithing is one commandment you can do 100%

#8 The best quality to have is virtue, “Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise; think on these things.” (Philippians 4:8) If you live up to this scripture you will enjoy the peace that Paul experience. The lessons taught in the scriptures and the gospel of Jesus Christ are meant for you, and for your happiness here and now. 

#9 Work hard because those who excel at whatever job they do really stand out. I would not worry too much about promotions or fixate on what comes next. Just do your best. That is what Daniel has always done at work. He simply does the very best he can and leaves the rest to the Lord. 

#10 Over all, have faith! When Daniel and I were first married, we were asked to move to the Dominican Republic. We had just purchased our dream home. The timing was terrible, and it made no sense at all. It was crazy, Mandy would have to move in the middle of her Senior year of High School. And yet we went. We left everything behind knowing that it would work out in the end and it did! 

Con amor,

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