Monday, June 29, 2020

There is a plan

Thoughts on 102 days of quarantine 

Today at our devotional, Aaron Jackman, our Controller gave a wonderful devotional as he said goodbye, before he moves onto his new assignment. We knew him and his family when we lived in the Dominican Republic. He was our controller there too and his wife was Mandy’s seminary teacher. The message was given in Spanish but I will do my best to translate a portion of it into English.

He started by saying that God has a plan for us and He has given us the tools and teachings from the scriptures to guide us back to His presence. Our life is like a sailboat which will end up at a given destination and hopefully back to our Heavenly Father.

He shared four scriptures and stories with boats in them to convey his message

1.    Noah’s obedience and the Arc. Only his six children didn’t die in the flood because they obeyed his prophetic words. He said, the prophet follows the Lord, and if we follow the words of the prophet we will be protected. Genesis 6:22 
2.    He refer to the story of Peter sinking in the water and immediately Jesus stretched out his hand. This is a reminder that Jesus is always there to help us, and His hand is always extended to reach out. Matthew 14: 30-31
3.    The Lord asked Nephi to build a ship. Something Nephi had never done but with the help of the Savior he could do it. The Savior is there to help us every step of the way. 1 Nephi 17:51
4.    The next story is about the brother of Jared who needed assistance with bringing light to his ship and asked the Lord for a solution. We will receive light and be guided by the gift of the Holy Ghost when we seek His guidance. Ether 6:3 

He ended his message saying that if we follow our living prophets, see each day the hand of the Lord reaching out to us, with full confidence that with His help we can do anything if we follow His guidance we should be at peace knowing that we are embarking in the voyage of the Plan of happiness to one day return to His presence.

Con amor,

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