Thoughts on 99 days of quarantine.
During this current pandemic, one positive thing is the opportunity to do some heavy -duty cleaning while we are all stuck at home. People are noticing and recapturing who they are and looking at where they want to go and setting goals for themselves that will take them there. That is found on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People exercise from Steven R. Covey, I was reminded of this week. In one of his chapters in the book he asks this question, “What’s one thing you could do that you are not doing now that will bring good results?” I thought about organizing my home.
As I get deeper and deeper into doing a better detailed cleaning – moving from one room to the other organizing drawers and cupboards, throwing unused items away, going through stacks of old papers, and eliminating clutter – I am finding that the further along we get in the process the more amazing it’s starting to feel. It’s as if we are lightening a load of disorganization that I have been carrying around with us for almost eleven years when we had to leave our home to move abroad.
It’s true for all of us – when our physical surroundings are disorganized, our lives feel disorganized and it’s hard to truly relax when surrounded by clutter. This lockdown may or may not last much longer, it’s hard to predict so I am taking advantage of the time we have left to get all my outward and inward Spring or in our case Autumn cleaning done.
The more we can clean and organize our physical space, the easier it is to clean and organize our internal lives. A clean home allows us to breathe freely…it brings a feeling of peace and calm…it allows us to turn our focus from the outward to the inward. The more room we have to breathe the easier it is to take stock of what it is we want for our lives and the more clearly, we can recognize where we want to go from here.
Con amor,
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