Tuesday, July 15, 2014

New York, New York

Monday was the last day we would be in New York so we went on a city tour. Got to see the 9 11 memorial, and got to see time square at night. What an incredible city, full of people running from one place to another like there is no tomorrow. Today we got up super early to take Daniel to the airport,  he got to be up graded both from New York to Miami and Miami to Santo Domingo due to his platinum status at American Airlines. He got to visit Alejandro and his new home in Miami. While I got to do some shopping at Costco in New York. Bianca got to see the people from Social Services. Life is busy and complicated at times but regardless of how hard it must feel at times, nothing can ever compare to the hardships the Pioneers had to experience in the mid 1800's. How grateful I am to live in this era of internet, GPS, and iPhones.

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