Saturday, July 26, 2014

With the help of my litle friends

 What a day! we were busy in the mornng with a yard sale at Mari's house, and in the evening, we went to see Manu dance cueca on a national competition. It was the very first time he competed and did so good considering he only practiced 4 times.

At the yard sale I became more and more aware at a huge flaw my mother and I both have. We can't part from our things! She has a room full of stuff and all she took was some make up samples she sold for $35 dollars and that I think is a miracle because people there wanted everything for almost nothing. Yard sales are horrible and stressful that way because people know you have to sell your stuff and they won't give you anything for them.I was there to witness it all. Early that morning Mari woke up to start putting things out and the missionaries helped to take out the heavy furniture. Around  mid morning clouds started to make its debut and started to rain so we had to quickly get everything inside as fast as we could. Mari ended up selling a little over $300 and I guess that is better than nothing.
What I love about missionaries who are serving is the love they have for people and that can only come when you have a close relationship with Christ. How nice it was to see their service in action. This brings me to the next point I want to make about serving and exercising from a new research study I read the other day that just came out. I love the effect of exercising but even when I don't mind to exercise, it is nice to know that there is an alternative and its called service. a blogger wrote:

"I don’t hate to exercise. I really don’t but at the same time I don’t love it either. I admit it is good for you and I realize it is necessary, but I definitely don’t enjoy it to the fullest but I do it anyway if I get motivated enough. So when I read up on a new finding from a study that shows an alternative to exercise that has the same effect, only better, you bet I sit up and take notice.   Are you ready for it – Performing Acts of Kindness has a stronger effect then exercising four times a week!!!

Don’t believe me?  Well you don’t have to take my word for it – it is a study that was performed at Harvard University and the results were published in Psychology Today – it is known as the Mother Theresa Effect.  Here is what the study showed:

The Benefits of Performing Acts of Kindness

Research has shown that those who routinely engage in acts of kindness:

  • Experience alleviation of stress
  • Experience alleviation of chronic pain
  • Experience alleviation of insomnia
  • Experience fewer aches and pains
  • Have a lessened likelihood of experiencing diseases and disorders
  • Overall health is protected twice as much as aspirin protects against heart disease
  • Have a significantly lower likelihood of dying of diseases
  • Have markedly increased levels of Immunoglobulin A (antibody which boosts immunity)
  • Have significant increase in Serotonin levels (chemical in brain that makes us feel good)
  • Have decreased feelings of depression
  • Have increased sense of happiness and optimism
  • Have an increased sense of self worth
  • Have enhanced feelings of joyfulness
  • Have a boost in their sense of physical and emotional well being

The effects of doing acts of kindness have a stronger effect than exercising four times a week.

That is what I am talking about!  That is fantastic!  And doing acts of kindness is so much better than exercise, and WAY MORE FUN!  Not only that but you don’t even have to break a sweat doing it.  Even better :).

So if you want to get your daily workout in then go do an act of kindness see how much better you look because of it and I take that over breaking a sweat." Amy

Our family is known to have done a lot of acts of service in another post I will write about some of the amazing things we got to accomplished.


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