Monday, November 7, 2016

Election day

I Never thought the day would come when I would not vote for either candidate in a Presidential election.  I just simply could not do it. Not after I gave my talk on integrity. So as we draw closer and closer to the final count to see who actually will win, I am so disgusted by the number of negative campaign ads being shown. I usually like to watch the news at night before we have dinner but not lately.

It makes you wonder if your product is good why do you need to trash your competition. That is all these politicians do now days. My feeling has always been that if someone felt the need to trash a competitor that means they must be doing it to hide a flaw or shortcoming in themselves or their own products, and it was always a huge turnoff for me. I can't stand candidates who only criticizes their opponent. But it is what it is!

I had to cast my vote and vote went to someone other than the two running. I am so thankful that I have not been brainwashed into thinking that a political party has all the answers. Why can't they work together? I was able to select who I want for Governor, Senator, Congressman and Attorney General so I guess those are impotent too. I casted my vote mainly for those other running. This is only the only time that I do express my feelings when it comes to the abortion issue because I can't imagine saying to the Lord, by the way, I approve and supported the killing of the very life you created. I couldn't see my maker and feel good about it. It just doesn't feel right.

Con amor,

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