Monday, November 14, 2016

losing might be a blessing in disguise

The election is thankfully over.  I’ve had a week to process the surprising outcome and I’m not entirely sure what to think. I look for people I can trust when picking who to vote for. This time, I couldn’t decide and felt more comfortable with Evan McMullin as my decision.

I couldn’t stand the media pretending to be impartial. Trump is proof that old school media is dead and internet is king! I did not feel I could trust anything the media said about either candidate and besides, wasn’t Hillary supposed to win anyway? She was ahead on the poles all the way until the very end. It reminded me of some BYU football games this year. This election, turned out to be one of the greatest historical upsets of presidential history of my time.

Four years ago, when Romney didn’t win, I didn’t expect it either. I was sure he would win because of all his credentials and such an honest person. In my book, you can’t ask for anyone better than a person with integrity. When he lost, I was deeply saddened and devastated knowing that many people obviously didn’t want him. From where I was, I had spent 420 days working on Election 2012 campaign. Writing emails, letters, etc. Daniel and I had spent some money on his campaign too. I remember having butterflies that morning. I wanted so bad to elect the first Mormon President, someone who actually had the priesthood and prayed every morning and night. But God had another plan. I literally was depressed for quite a while after that election. However, I would never become part of the problem by being negative so I prayed for Obama to have wisdom and to do those things our country desperately needed.

I prayed specifically that things within our country would improve, that peace, love and acceptance will prevail. I prayed for our country not because who is at the helm but because of my strong belief that God wants to bless us all His children, including the unborn, and we only need to ask. The power of the people is much stronger than the people in power. I hope and pray for a miracle this time around so that our new President elect with all his imperfections will ask for guidance from the Lord to help him lead our country.

I emigrated to the U.S. because I believed in its promise. No place on earth has all the opportunities and generosity of the good people of the United States that I have met during the past thirty -eight years. I became a U.S. citizen almost thirty years ago. I worked hard and believed in service to my community and all that is good. For many years as the Honorary Consul of El Salvador in Utah I helped women and children in our community. I even would visit them in jail to console them and became a source of hope. They were caught working illegally so I remember saying to them this phrase “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay it’s not the end. “John Lennon.

When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is. Martin Luther King Jr. said: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” Another quote I love and one Cristi posts frequently is “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi.

I was impressed with the key speeches from President –Elect Trump’s acceptance, Secretary Clinton’s concession and President Obama’s speech.  To me, it is not a matter of who wins or loses. It’s about whether I am prepared to accept the changes which will be on its way. This is what they said:

“Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to this country… Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division… To all Republicans and Democrats and Independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people. I hope that we will all practice having discussion, not arguments. No one side has all the answers. It is time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be President for all of Americans, and this is so important to me. For those who have chosen not to support me…I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country.”  Donald Trump

“Last night I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans…this loss hurts but never stop believing that fighting for what is right is worth it.”
 Hillary Clinton

“…the day after, we have to remember that we’re actually all on one team. This is an intramural scrimmage. We’re not Democrats firs. We’re not Republicans first. We are American’s first. We are Patriots first. We all want what’s best for this country. That is what I heard from Mr. Trumps remarks last night, that’s what I heard from I spoke to him directly and I was hearten by that. That’s what the country needs. A sense of unity and a sense of inclusion, our respect for our institution, our way of life, rule of law and respect for each other” Barack Obama

To me, each one of us have a personal responsibility to become better! To want what’s best, no matter what. We each can decide that for ourselves, but what is truly important to me is that we consider one another in our actions and have enough humility to become a better Nation under God Indivisible with Liberty and justice for all. There are more things that make us alike than different. Now on a lighter note, I found this email Cristi wrote a few years ago and thought about how funny it would be if Hillary or Donald had said this about the other candidate.

Hey I really appreciate all the love I have from my
family and friends- it’s nice to be able to get so much
support right away- I know you all have my back! I
didn't expect to get such a great response and
expected like one or two votes from family and friends
and actually chose not to tell anyone but you guys
so, thank you. 

But, now um....this may sound a little crazy...but now
that I am actually winning, I am asking anyone who
hasn't voted yet to not vote for me but the other
dudes- especially the studio 51 who is not far behind
me. I have a feeling he wants it worse than I do...
and I would be happy to spend my labor day weekend
chillin with my husband and family in McCall or
sipping pina coladas on the beach somewhere.:) So for
those who haven't yet the site is:
I think voting goes until Monday.

You see, I weighed the pros and cons to winning and as
cool as it may seem to shoot the wedding on the hawks
field, I realized that it is actually on a Sunday and
on labor day weekend with about 20-30 hours of free
work! All for nothing but bragging rights!

So, I have decided to not let anyone else know and
just let the unbiased crowd vote...and see what
happens. I think my competitor wants it bad enough
that he will do anything and get his peeps to vote for
him and bring him to the lead. So we will see how it
all shakes down. I had no idea it would be such a
close race!

Anyhow- thanks guys! Love yah all- it has been nice to
hear back from so many of you and hear what you have
been up to!- Keep in touch! I guess we will see what
happens from here on out with baseball bride. I am
honored to be chosen as one of the three photographers
in Boise and have had a lot of support from everyone
and some great exposure. All is good!
love, cristi

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"- Gandhi

Cristi Dame

The world would be so much better if people would take losing as a blessing in disguise, don’t you think?

Con amor,


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