Saturday, August 31, 2019

Visit of our Prophet

Notes from the visit of President Nelson and Elder Cook in Buenos Aires to 40,000 viewers and 12,000 in attendance. 

Speakers: Sister De Hoyos and Elder De Hoyos followed by sister Cook and Elder Cook followed by Sister Nelson and President Nelson. 

En Español:
La hermana De Hoyos perdió a su madre cuando tenía 15 años y fue una experiencia muy triste para ella, pero el siguiente año los misioneros tocaron su puerta y fue de consuelo aprender sobre el plan de salvación. Dio testimonio de ser amigables con todas las personas y de compartir nuestro testimonio de las verdades que conocemos para sembrar la semilla. Fue muy impactante lo que nos compartió de su testimonio y nos habló de guardar el día de reposo y guardarlo santo. 
El Elder De Hoyos hablo de siempre participar de la Santa Cena. Pagar los diezmos con el corazón y dispuestos a guardar los mandamientos. Recalcó: “No te olvides de pagar tus diezmos.” Probadme en esto y recibian bendiciones hasta que sobreabunde.” Purificar el lenguaje. Obedecer la palabra de sabiduria. Preparnos para asistir al templo y estar sellados en el templo. Hablo del Presidente Nelson con 10 hijos y muchos nietos y muchísimos bisnietos. A sus 94 anos, Dios lo mantuvo vivo para que dirija su iglesia en estos días y de hecho para que estuviera con nosotros. 
La hermana Cook: 
Hizo mención de las empanadas que le encantaron. Hablo de las cosas del corazón. Asistir al templo. Empezar con el fin en mente y entenderemos el propósito de nuestras vidas. 
Elder Cook:
Tenemos desafíos en este viaje mortal y porque un Dios justo permite que cosas malas le sucedan a personas buenas? Sabemos que hay un principio que nos permite sentir confianza que hay un futuro. Nuestro Padre Celestial nos conoce y conoce nuestros desafíos y sufrimientos. Su hijo Jesucristo vino para pagar por nuestros pecados. The Father’s plan includes all his children to obtain eternal life. La vida es como haber entrado en una obra de teatro en el Segundo acto. Hay algo que sucedió en el primer acto y algo vendra en el tercer acto. Lo importante es entender que las injusticias serán hechas justas! Mosiah 2:41 Cosas para recordar:

1.    Have a Gospel centered home doing come follow me each week
2.    Keep the Sabbath Day Holy
3.    Pray morning and night as a family
4.    Pay an honest tithing
5.    Attend the temple regularly

La hermana Nelson empezo hacienda una preguta: Do you feel concern about something? Is there something that is bothering you? And the answer was, go to the temple. One way to deal with concerns is to go to the temple and do family history. Read Elder Scott talk on Oct. 2012 The joy of redeeming the dead. This talk spoke to her that day. It has eternal consequences. 

President Nelson gave his remarks in SPANISH. He Had all the children first stand and said: “This is the hope of Israel, the children of the promise” As he said those words I thought about our 22 grandchildren. His message was simple and straight to the point. Among other things he said: “Guarden los mandamientos de Dios” or Obey the commandments of God. “If you want to be happy, keep the commandments.” 

The Saints were thrilled to hear the Prophet in their native Spanish. President Nelson lovingly invited all to …”teach your children, and also each other, about the Lord Jesus Christ… His Atonement is the most important event in the history of the world and is the foundation of our religion.” He told them how the Gospel of Jesus Christ can afford a peace so profound it can offer comfort in the most difficult times even in the face of certain death.  (He told of a story when he was on a plane that almost crashed but he didn’t feel scared to die. He said: “Actually, the dead on the other side of the veil do not like being called dead.” 

President Nelson said this on his Facebook page: 

“We were privileged to meet some new friends in Argentina for whom the Church has been able to help provide wheelchairs. I was touched by their gratitude. Ministering to those in need is at the heart of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As I travel through Latin America, I am continually reminded of how God loves His children. During a meeting with members and friends of the Church in Argentina, I felt inspired to remind those in attendance about our Father in Heavens desire for us to approach Him in prayer. Pour out your hearts to God. Remember to pray to Him every morning and night. Pray with your families. Pray in private. Pray to our Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Ghost. In doing so, He will direct you for good in everything you do.

” At the very end we all got up to say good bye to President Nelson and singing: " Te Damos Señor Nuestras Gracias or We thank Thee of God for a Prophet." 

Con amor,

Friday, August 30, 2019

There is no place like Home

Our furniture arrived today. All the empty space is now filled with tables, chairs, sofas, lamps, beds, etc. It now feels like we have a home. We have traveled extensively over this past Summer from the Philippines to Argentina making a quick stop for a day in Utah, back to Manila just to turn around to come back to Buenos Aires and again on to Utah and back to Argentina, the place we now call HOME.

I remember the day when we finally got the keys to our apartment. There really is nothing quite like the feeling of walking into your brand- new home. Such a great feeling. Not to mention the fact that there is nothing quite like sleeping in your own bed at night after spending too many nights at hotels. 

The Dalai Lama said, “A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.” I believe that’s true. Our home should be our sanctuary and it should be filled with love and peace. When we have that sanctuary in life it allows us to be far more courageous in venturing out into the world to explore and have adventures and experience new and exciting things because we know that the safety of home will be there waiting for us to return to.

It takes effort to create a good feeling in our homes. It takes exercising patience and kindness with our family, it takes some cleaning and organizing to make it pleasant, and the smell of homemade bread or freshly baked cookies never hurts either. I made a batch of cookies to share with the people helping with the furniture. 

I think you can always feel the spirit of people’s homes. And that spirit has nothing to do with how nice the home is, or how extravagant the furnishings are…I think the spirit you feel comes from how the people living there feel about one another and how they treat one another within that home. Each of us can impact the spirit we create in our own home through our words and our actions and our prayers.

I am grateful for Daniel who has helped me create the spirit of LOVE in our home. Because of my husband, for me there truly is NO PLACE LIKE HOME! 

Con amor,

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Exploring B.A.

Yesterday before going to President Nelson's devotional, Kathy and I went exploring China Town in Belgrano and exchanged some dollars. In China town you can find good fish and just about anything.

Two weeks ago, we went to Buenos Aires by taking the Subte to Colon Theatre and walked all around the City. We went inside the Mall and walked on Florida Street. Didn't go shopping, just took a stroll.  

Last week we took two trains to find the Recoleta Cemetery where Evita Peron is buried.  Simon, a British fellow, greeted us and offered his services as an English speaker guide since all the guides only speak Spanish. He spent about an hour and a half explaining a lot of the history of BA and the people who are buried in the cemetery. We ended the tour and went to eat lunch across the street to a place where they served us a Salad, a Chevito sandwich and arepas to share. After that, we walked to a chocolate store: Rapanui to buy the most delicious chocolates and then walked to the Palacio de las Aguas or Museo del Agua de la Historia Sanitaria.

A trip advisor traveler wrote this comment: "We rode past the imposing neo gothic Palacio de las Aguas on Avenida Cordoba many times, always wondering what was behind the imposing façade. The interior is an industrial age marvel of pipes and dials and pumps and the brass still gleams...The contrast with the machinery inside and the delicate exterior with its delicate hand cast terra cotta tiles makes you realize the elegance of the machines of the Victorian Era and obviously they were built to last! Equally fascinating is the display of toilets and the water storage devices, as the humble commodes are almost transformed into objets d'art with their beautiful porcelain finish and interesting designs. 

Argentina was the richest country per capita at the time and the Palacio is testament to the lengths to which the rich, flush with all that money, would go to 'keep up appearances' and hide what is basically a water tank amongst the mansions and palaces of Recoleta." 

In here we didn't have a tour guide but the building is incredible. This is a building where everything was brought over from Europe and was put together like a puzzle with each section of the building mark with a number. Amazing!

We then went to the famous Ataneo book store and back home. It was another fun adventure but the best of it was the great company. 

Con amor,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What an Incredible Day!

Wow! What a day today, August 28th was!  If people in Argentina only knew who is here visiting them. We started our day at 5:00 am this morning because Daniel needed to go to work and attend to every detail concerning the visit of President Nelson. Daniel is the guy behind the scenes who remains anonymous. He will not be invited to any event, nor shake hands with our special guests or even seat with the VIP’s but as the D.T. A. he is responsible for all the logistics dealing with today’s mega event. 

Yes, today was an incredible day.  President Nelson gave his remarks in Spanish. He Had all the children first stand and said: “This is the hope of Israel, the children of the promise” As he said those words I thought about our 22 grandchildren. His message was simple and straight to the point. “Guarden los mandamientos de Dios” or Obey the commandments of God.  

As tired as I am tonight after such a crazy, packed day, I can’t help but express how incredibly blessed I feel for the amazing things I get to be a part of in my life and for the amazing group of people I am able to associate with in my life. I am truly blessed for that. I am grateful for my amazing day today, and even though my feet are absolutely killing me tonight after standing most of all day and even though I am as tired as can be tonight, I wouldn’t have traded today for anything! 

I get to be surrounded by so many talented, amazing people who are such great examples to me and who make me a better person for being around them. May your day be a blessed one.

Con amor,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

You are better than you think you are

An article on Forbes read:

You are Better than you Think you are.
Amy Anderson, contributor

We’ve all experienced times where we’ve had a false sense of security, but we’ve also experienced times were we’ve had a false sense of insecurity…in ourselves. Too often we are our own worst critics. When circumstances of life don’t go the way we hoped for, we often allow them to make us think less of ourselves. We end up with a false sense of insecurity in our own talents and abilities.

As an entrepreneur, your most important role is to set an example for the people you lead. A few years into starting my first company I began to notice a trend that would occur - whenever I was feeling insecure about my own abilities everyone else working for me seemed to feel less secure in their own abilities as well. A definite ripple effect would occur. I knew that in order for my company to succeed I needed my team to believe in themselves, but it became clear that for this to happen I, myself, was going to have to become more secure first. So I set out to figure out how I could overcome my false sense of insecurity and here are a few of the things I was able to discover:

One way we cause a false sense of insecurity is by focusing too much on how far we still have to go and all the challenges that lie ahead of us. When we do this we end up feeling discouraged and we question whether we will be capable. In order to overcome this we have to be willing to give ourselves credit for just how far we have come and just how much we have already achieved. One way to make that happen is to schedule time each week to set our to-do lists aside, step away from our computers, and turn off our cell phones so we can have a quiet moment to reflect on all of the trials we have already overcome which will allow us to recognize just how capable we have already proven ourselves to be.

Another way we cause a false sense of insecurity is to constantly compare ourselves with others. We start convincing ourselves that we won’t be good enough ourselves until we have more than someone else does, or until we achieve something greater than they have. In our minds we create an ‘us against them’ atmosphere that makes it impossible to ever feel like enough because inevitably there is always someone out there with more than us.

The only person we should ever compare ourselves to is the person we were yesterday. Everyone’s situations are totally different in life which makes that the only accurate comparison to measure yourself against. By focusing solely on becoming a better person today than the person you were yesterday you will be far more productive and progress at a substantially faster pace.

Another benefit we receive when we stop comparing ourselves to others and instead focus on improving ourselves is that it allows us to gain a better appreciation for what others are bringing to the table, because we no longer feel threatened by them. This allows our relationships with others to improve and it naturally draws more people to want to associate with us because they feel of our genuine desire to see them succeed, and this then leads to an increase in our own feelings of self-worth and confidence. After all, the more time we spend feeling happy for others, the less time we have to be feeling a false sense of insecurity in ourselves.

Without a doubt the best way I know to overcome our false sense of insecurity and feelings of inadequacy is to simply get to work! The more we engage in doing work that forwards a cause, the better we feel about ourselves and the more success we will find. When Michelangelo finished work on his statue of an angel he was asked how he produced something so beautiful. He replied, “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” When we have a vision of where we want to go and we actually get to work at it, it is then that we will see our own masterpieces created. The people who become the most successful aren’t the people who start with the most, they are the people who do the most with what they started with.

Finally, it is serving others that will give us the greatest feeling of security in the person that we are. As Spencer W. Kimball said, “The more we serve our fellowmen in appropriate ways, the more substance there is to our souls. We become more significant individuals. … Indeed, it is easier to ‘find’ ourselves because there is so much more of us to find!”

This was a good reminder for me and wanted to share it with you. 

Con amor,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Internet Free

Not having internet access over the weekend was a blessing in disguise. I think what makes family time fun is when you are present and not all that concerned about email or cell phone signal so you are forced to unplug from technology and let the cares that come along with by-the-minute emails go out the window. 

Our home was like a magical fairytale land where no one could call us and no one could reach us over the weekend so we had absolutely no choice but to unwind and enjoy the beautiful surroundings and the company with one another. Daniel and I went out walking around our neighborhood and found his favorite shoe store only three blocks away from our home.  

On Sunday, we read come follow me and paused at each assignment and had time to relax for a change. My weekend became very productive. I was able to organize all my drawers. Worked on writing on my book, played the piano, read another good book and read more scriptures than usual. The World Health Organization warns: "Children 2-4 no more than 1 hour of screen time per day, under 1? No screen time at all! 

Did you know that on average there are more screens in a home than members of a family? Definitely true! Count how many are in yours and you'll be amazed. Studies are showing that the average young person will have had more screen time than they will have had hours in the classroom by the time they graduate. 

Every single one of us needs that time away. It allows us to clear our minds, to reset, and to actually pause long enough to sort out all the thoughts in our own heads.  Sometimes we go so fast and so furious that we are just going through the motions without even taking the time to think about where we are trying to head with our lives.  So taking that time away from technology is the only way to really step back from the day to day madness and regroup as a person. And there is no need to feel guilty about taking time off from work because you will come back a much better and more productive person when it’s over. 

Some of you may be disciplined enough to simply turn them off, but for those who are truly addicted like I am, it takes an internet block off where you are forced into electronic silence submission with no internet or cell access available to stay away from those devices. I know the thought of that probably sends many of you into a cold sweat just thinking about it, and trust me when I tell you that I understand that anxiety completely, but you have to believe me when I tell you that yes, you will be going through major withdrawals for the first two or three hours, but then something truly magical happens…

After those first few hours of cold sweats and constant looking down at your I-phone for those little bars to appear just long enough to download a message you will suddenly hit this moment of “wait, there is nothing I can do about it if the internet is down. “It is what it is” and then when you know is not anything you can fix, the anxiety stops, the cold sweats subside, and the next thing you know you have broken that addiction for the rest of the weekend.  You can laugh and smile and enjoy yourself completely.  You can relax and unwind and be present. It is MAGIC! 

My suggestion today is to plan your techno-free time and make it happen. But make sure that when you schedule a not internet time it truly is a non-working, non-texting, non-emailing time off where you can relax and enjoy your family completely. For people like us who are fully addicted to their i-phone and who cannot seem to pull away from the computer or I-pad having no internet should be a MUST DO! Try it from time to time because I have decided that everyone needs to find a way to leave the computer and the phone to reconnect with one self and family.

(Photo courtesy of Cristi Dame on How Does She) 

Con amor,


Sunday, August 25, 2019

Any plans for the next three days?

To all my peeps in Salt Lake,

I just received this note from a friend. 


On August 26, 27 and 28, Salt Lake City is hosting the 68th United Nations Civil Society Conference--the first conference in history to be held outside of UN Headquarters in the United States.  Wow!

As part of this three-day conference, Latter-day Saint Charities, American Airlines, JustServe, and United Nations Civil Society Conference attendees are partnering with Feeding Children Everywhere to assemble 375,000 meals for needy children.

An estimated 3,000 volunteers (all ages) are needed to assemble the meals.  

Come and be part of an historic occasion to work alongside people from many parts of the world attending the worldwide United Nations Civic Society Conference. The event will be held at the Salt Palace Convention Center located at 100 South West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT.   We need volunteers (all ages!) to assemble 375,000 meals for needy children.  

It's easy to sign up for any of the one-hour shifts at the following link—Go to register for this incredible event. (Groups can register and volunteer as well.)  (If you haven't previously done so, please visit to sign up and register.)  

We invite you on to serve as individuals, families, friends or groups and look forward to this great experience. Bring your friends, bring your family and come and connect with others! 

What a tremendous opportunity to participate with Feeding Children Everywhere to look after the poor and needy, and to showcase how good people from throughout the world, working together, can bless others!

This sounds like my kind of activity. I’m sad that I will not be in Utah on those dates but I hope some of you will. 

Thank you, sooooo much! 

Con amor,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Feeling like Imelda Marcos

Daniel and I went walking to find a shoe shop near our home he loves because they make good quality leather shoes. I wanted to splurge on a pair of the most gorgeous cowgirl style boots I saw at their window display that I have ever seen!  

We tried a pair and another pair and another and could not decide so we bought all seven pairs. One for Daniel and six for me. I didn’t want to but Daniel insisted.  

I don’t know why but for me there is just something so exciting about buying a brand new pair of cute shoes :)!  I don’t even know why as women, we feel so much joy buying a new pair of shoes but it causes happiness and that is a phenomenon that could not be explained with words, but it is SO TRUE! 

 I heard that there really is an explanation that scientists have come up with regarding our obsession with cute shoes.  According to studies, when a woman buys a new pair of shoes researchers have indicated that “The neurotransmitter dopamine is released, providing a feel-good high, like taking a drug,” And apparently, it is not just an increase of dopamine at work: “Shoes are a collector’s item, whether women realize they perceive them that way or not,” Just think of how they’re often stored artfully on shoe trees and shelves. “They’re like sculptures,” As a result, collecting each type provides a mini-adrenaline rush like the satisfaction a stamp collector gets when he acquires a rare find.” According to experts. 

I can’t really speak for men because I don’t really know what it does for men, but for women, ah yes, for women the purchasing of a new pair of shoes can literally change your mood.   And for the men reading I am about to share some tips for you that will save your relationships and buy you huge brownie points with your woman:

If you ever want to impress your lady, buy her a new pair of shoes, or if you are afraid to pick them out for her you can give her a gift certificate to order her own shoes. Nothing will get you out of trouble more quickly than a new pair of shoes, except maybe diamonds, but shoes are much cheaper :).     

A second tip for men is to recognize that whatever shoes a woman puts on for the day will tell you everything about the mood she is in including casual shoes, sports shoes, Church shoes, dancing shoes, take me out on a nice date shoes, etc. Yes, every shoe we wear reflects something about how we are feeling that day. We are not practical the way men are when wearing shoes. We were shoes because they are cute not because they are comfortable.  

O.k. I admit that I went a little crazy today buying too many shoes but research clearly indicates that our shoe obsession is a chemical problem in our brains with dopamine and adrenaline!  Yikes! I better give a pair away. I know someone who has my same shoe size and I think she will love them. I should also stay away from that shoe store for a while or I will end up like Imelda Marcos. 

Con amor,

Friday, August 23, 2019

No person is an Island

No person is an island because from the minute we come to this world we are in contact with people around us. Parents, siblings, extended family, friends and later our spouse if we are lucky enough to find the one! 

We are who we are because of the people we know. I can only think of two secrets to a happy relationship one starts by choosing carefully those people we want to be around and two, I believe that in a relationship you get what you put into it. 

I make a conscious effort to spend more time with people who inspires me and less time with the negative people who either hold me back or don’t positively impact me and frankly there not that too many of those around. Thank goodness! For this reason, I like to categorize them according to who lifts me up, who brings me down and who does neither. The key is to understand the value of each relationship that comes into your life. 

You don’t need to be spending time with people who drain your energy or seed doubts in your mind or are truly toxic. I try to surround myself with positive amazing people who share my same values and I stay away from people who do not.  Time is my most valuable asset so I like to spend it with people who are worth my time.

I find myself constantly evaluating who is emotionally draining me and who is giving me energy. If I am not motivated or inspired by the people I spend time with, It’s harder for me to feel happy. Being with people who believe in me and provide me the strength I need to turn my dreams into reality is critical to me and this is why I married Daniel. 

I believe that the most important people in our lives are those people close to us who are there for us when we need them, those are the people we call when we need support or when we want to share a happy moment and those same people are also the people who help us become aware of our imperfections and flaws we may not be able or want to acknowledge. No one knows us better than our domestic partner and those people we share our roof with. 

Today, Daniel gets in town. Yay! I miss him so much when he is away but I did go out yesterday with two great friends to explore Buenos Aires. We took the subway to the city and started walking all around the City. Finding time to spend with good friends is a must when you feel a little lonely.  We had so much fun!  Buenos Aires is truly a gem of a City. 

Con amor,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Leave your work at the door

Once upon a time I worked for The Family Support Center as a family advocate. I would see about 10 families each week to see if they were complying with a court ordered plan to receive their children back with them. They were families who had done something to have their children removed from their homes like domestic violence, drugs or abuse. It was a stressful job but someone had to do it. 

On one of our trainings a phycologist came to talk to us about not taking our workload home. At the end of a long, stressful day of duties and responsibilities and hard work it can be so hard to disconnect from our work and the stress so that we don’t take it into our homes with us at night.  The last thing our families want to deal with is our stress from the day – they are excited to spend time with us having fun and enjoying one another. So how do we suddenly switch modes and leave it all behind when work is over?

Our families deserve a happy “us” and that means we need to train ourselves to leave a hard day behind us and allow ourselves to focus on our families when we get home. Dr. Morris told us the following story:

“The Trouble Tree”

The carpenter who was hired to help a man restore an old farmhouse had just finished his first day on the job and everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong. First of all, on his way to work he had a flat tire that cost him an hour’s worth of pay, then his electric saw broke, and after work his old pickup truck refused to start.

His new boss volunteered to give him a lift home and the whole way to his house the carpenter sat in stone silence as he stared out his window. Yet on arriving, he invited his boss in for a few minutes to meet his family. As they walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. When he opened the door, he underwent an amazing transformation. His tanned face was one big smile as he hugged his two small children and kissed his wife.

Afterwards, the man walked his boss to his car to say thank you. Now on their way out of the house, the boss’ curiosity got the best of him so he had to ask the man about the tree on the front porch. He said, I noticed when you came up on the porch before going into your house you stopped and touched the tree, why?

“Oh, that’s my trouble tree,” he replied. “I know I can’t stop from having troubles out on the job, but one thing’s for sure – my troubles don’t belong in the house with my wife and children. So I just hang them up on the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning I pick them up again.”

“Funny thing is,” he smiled, “when I come out in the morning to pick ‘em up, they aren’t nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before.”
What a good reminder and great idea! Daniel is in Paraguay at the moment but will soon get home tomorrow. I will remind him of that story so he can relax as the weekend is about to start. We should all come up with our own symbolic “Trouble Tree” to drop our problems off at night before we enter our homes. 

Con amor,

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Feeling old?

Today is not my birthday but why am I feeling so old? 

When your daughters are in their 30’s is when you start to feel old. 

Some days I look in the mirror and don’t recognize the aging woman staring back at me because she looks nothing like my young spirit on the inside.   

It’s so crazy because I remember thinking I will never get old but was I wrong! when you aren’t looking in the mirror you see yourself as this young adult who never ages, but when you look into the mirror you see this other person who just keeps getting older and older.  The wrinkles continue to come and the roots turning gray start to spread well beyond the point of being able to be referred to as roots anymore.  

On the inside you feel like your spirit has all this energy, but on the outside your body is slowly deteriorating and the things you once did with little or no effort suddenly ending up causing aches and pains that take longer and longer to heal. I got something weird on my right foot that aches so much when I have done a lot of walking. I think is called plantar fasciitis. You find yourself attempting crazy stupid physical challenges only to be faced with the rude awakening that your body is no longer able to do what your spirit thought it could. 

There is no question that the aging person in the mirror can be tough to face, but it is something we all end up having to do… I came across several facts that put time and aging into perspective – (just a quick warning before you read them, these facts might make you recognize just how old you actually are)

All of these were launched when my girls were toddlers
The very first cell phones that looked like bricks 
Nintendo games were a hot item for Christmas
Movies like Lion King, Little mermaid and Annie were making their debut shows
The Simpsons TV show was popular 
Mash was a big TV show to watch with friends 
Google was not even created yet and no internet to speak of.  

That is proof of how old I am. Despite the wrinkles and aches and pains I suppose there are some positives to growing old.  We gain wisdom and understanding; we gain confidence and a better sense of self; we get to look forward to having grandchildren; and eventually we even get a great senior discount at restaurants and stores. 

Here’s to all my pears that we have accomplished and endured in our lives that have brought us to where we are today… 

And here is to every hard -earned gray hair and wrinkle we have accumulated to this point… 

And finally, here is to that young spirit inside and the aging person staring back at me in the mirror, because I think both are amazing! 

Con amor,

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Flashback about Bianca

On December 1993, a booklet for the Mount Olympus 7th ward was put together. Each child was interviewed, and this is what was written about Bianca when she was eight. Happy Birthday Bee!

Bianca Nicole Van Leeuwen Flores " Little Singer"
Likes to swim and play in the sand at the beach
Has attended a different school each year because the family moved so often in the past five years.
Enjoys riding her bike
Likes to eat burritos
Knows Spanish well
Is a good baby sitter and watches her little sister Mandy
Spent all last Summer away from home visiting her grandparents
Loves music and has taken voice lessons
Enjoys dancing
Likes animals, especially bunnies and dogs
Has a dog named patch
Has two sisters and no brothers
Is easy going and happy
Has a nice smile
Was born on August 20, 1985

Awww, how I miss my little singer and how I miss those wonderful days when I was a mother too three beautiful girls. How I wish I could for one minute go back and time and be the best mom I could be. This is one thing you don't get second chances.


Monday, August 19, 2019

Advice from John Gottman

Wedding anniversaries in August are shared by several members of our family, including (but not limited to) Mandy and Spencer, Vanessa and Alejandro and Bianca and Joseph. To celebrate here is an article on characteristics for a lasting relationship from my favorite relationship expert John Gottman. 

There are plenty of opinions out there about what you should do to ensure a happy, long-lasting relationship. Your mom says that it’s all about communication; your best friend swears by keeping things romantic… With so much conflicting advice out there, it’s hard to keep track of what we’re really supposed to be doing to keep our relationships going strong. Luckily for us, a study spanning four decades weighed in, and the results reinforce what we all want to hear: Successful couples are kind and generous to one another.

 1. Show interest. If your spouse points something out to you or tries to engage you in a conversation about something they care about, tune in — even if it’s not really your thing. This is an example of “turning toward” an attempt at connection.

2. Having a bad day is not an excuse to disengage. The true test of your kindness and generosity comes when you’re not feeling at the top of your game. “If your partner expresses a need and you are tired, stressed or distracted, then the generous spirit comes in when a partner makes a bid [for your attention] and you still turn toward your partner,” Julie Gottman said.

3. Fight kindly. Master couples do argue, but they know how to express their anger constructively. Instead of making accusations in the heat of the moment, explain why you are hurt and upset.

4. Trust your spouse's intentions. If your partner says they are doing something to make you happy, believe them. Don’t overanalyze or try to sleuth out ulterior motives. Generosity is all about being giving with your love and appreciation.

5. Share joy genuinely. Instead of waiting for a challenging time to prove you can be supportive, learn to be a cheerleader for your significant other in happy seasons, as well. When your spouse comes to you with good news, put down your phone and be part of their joy without any distractions.” 

I am not an expert in this field but I learned the hard way that the person who we choose to marry should be the most important relationship of all. Parents will pass on, children will leave the nest but ideally, who we marry will remain with us forever. 
Con amor,

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Book of Romans

Come follow me from Maurine and Scot
Maurine and Scot Proctor have spent extensive time in the Holy Land, researching the life of Christ. They have taught the New Testament in the Institute program for many years and have written books and numerous articles on the life of the Savior.

The book of Romans has some scriptures that are so familiar to us like “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ” (Romans 1:16), and at the same time, we may sometimes find it hard to understand what Paul is saying beyond those scriptures we know well. Even Peter described Paul’s writing as “things hard to be understood” (2 Peter 3:16) Let’s dive in and see if we can unwind some of the mystery.
The title of the lesson is “The Power of God unto Salvation” and covers Romans chapters 1-6. 
Background on Romans
The epistles of Paul are his letters written to the congregations he formed through his missionary work. They sometimes answer questions, teach more doctrine, regulate matters and keep him touch with the people he loved, much like we sometimes have visiting General Authorities at our stake or district conferences today. The exception to this is Romans, because when Paul wrote this he had never been to Rome, though he wrote them that he had desired “these many years to come unto you” (Romans 15:23). He told them that “your faith is spoken throughout the whole world” (Romans 1:8) and he gives a long list of greetings to individuals.
This gives us a picture of the early world of the Church where there was at least some network of friendship and Paul said this, “without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers” (Romans 1:9).
It is also important to know that Paul’s epistles are arranged in the New Testament by length, not by chronology. In other words, Paul did not write Romans first, although it appears first. He wrote it from Corinth in the year 58 AD, and it is often considered his masterpiece. Though, we have to admit that saying something like that is like trying to name your favorite scripture. Where would you begin when you love so many?
Not ashamed
So let’s begin with that scripture we know so well. Paul said, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16). Paul was not speaking idly here. He had already demonstrated that he was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ by declaring it with power and boldness in the most threatening situations to the point of being beaten and imprisoned. Nothing stopped his witness or cowed him or crushed him.
The reason it matters to see this example is because we live in an intolerant time when our allegiance to the gospel of Jesus Christ in all its particulars, including the Proclamation on the Family, will absolutely be challenged. Satan will invite us to hide our testimony in fear or timidity. He will tell us that being true to the gospel and declaring it openly will be threatening to our job or our friendships or our social standing. We may find that our social networks are full of people who do not want us to speak the truth and declare our devotion to God and his Son Jesus Christ. They may make you feel embarrassed or foolish. They may suggest that your standards or ideas offend them. The time will come, and you may have already experienced it in your own life that you will have to know what you believe and for what you are willing to take a stand. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.”
Shame, of course, is one of the Adversary’s sharpest tools. He wants you to feel ashamed of the gospel so you will hide, so you will go along with the world, so you will abandon the truth you know to avoid being ridiculed or ostracized.
In those moments when you are tempted to be untrue or give up what you know because of fear or pressure, remember Paul. 

(Romans chapters 7-16) 
The Apostle Paul begins in this week’s readings with a bulls-eye on the struggles we have in this mortal experience and then tells us how to free ourselves from this bondage. 
As I have spent hundreds of hours this year, studying the gospels, the apostles and now the writings of Paul, I am humbled by the fact that I truly feel closer to Jesus Christ and to my Heavenly Father than I did when I began.  These studies are truly blessing my life.  They just become more and more delicious to me every week.  I feel the Lord’s influence in my life, in my thinking, in my daily walk.  This has been just wonderful—I am giving you my testimony that this Come Follow Me curriculum is really working.

Paul and Nephi have the same concerns in this first section of our readings this week.  Listen to Nephi’s lamentation and then his conclusion:
16 “Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard.

17 “Nevertheless, notwithstanding the great goodness of the Lord, in showing me his great and marvelous works, my heart exclaimeth: O wretched man that I am!  Yea, my heart sorroweth because of my flesh; my soul grieveth because of mine iniquities.  

18 “I am encompassed about, because of the temptations and the sins which do so easily beset me.

19 “And when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins; nevertheless, (and here’s the lesson we all want to learn from this) I know in whom I have trusted.”  (2 Nephi 4: 16-19, emphasis added)

This is all about our grandest intentions, our best desires and our actual performance in mortality.  
Paul iterates the same thoughts:

“For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.

“For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not, but what I hate, that do I.” 
Or, it’s actually a little easier to understand this passage in the Revised Standard Version:
“I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” RSV Romans 7:15
Then in verse 19:

“For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do.” (RSV Romans 7:19)

And Paul exclaims:  O wretched man that I am! (Romans 7:24)

Don’t we feel that way so often?  We try so hard to overcome a bad habit.  We work so hard to overcome an addiction or a sin.  We move forward with all the best intentions and we fail.  It’s one of the most frustrating things about mortality.
Thank goodness for this verse in the Doctrine and Covenants, about the gifts of the Spirit that are given to us as outlined in Section 46:
“For verily I say unto you, they are given for the benefit of those who love me and keep all my commandments, and him that seeketh so to do.”  (D&C 46:9)  OH!  That verse is so comforting to me—because I’m a “seeketh so to do” person! 
Maurine, remember that Home Front commercial the Church did back in the late 70’s with that little boy who is sitting at the table and his Mom says he’s going to be late for school and he was told he was such a slowpoke.  He said, “I was trying to…” and then he burst into tears.  Sometimes we feel that way in mortality on a daily basis—We are trying so hard.  And the Lord knows that and I testify that He recognizes and knows even our smallest efforts.
Follow the Spirit

Paul invites us to understand the workings of the Spirit in our lives.  He says in Romans 8: 26:
“Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”  
I actually love the word “groanings” when related to the things of the Spirit.  But a better translation of “groanings” might be:  “but the Spirit puts our desires into words which are not in our power to say” or even this translation:  “But the Spirit Himself pleads for us in yearnings that can find no words.” 
But how do we come to recognize those groanings—those yearnings that can find no words?  Here’s a practical mini lesson on listening to the Spirit in our own lives.  Recognizing the Spirit and the various ways He talks to us is critical for our spiritual progress in this life.  I have noticed in years and years of teaching institute that many of my students report that they are not sure they have ever felt a direction from the Spirit or, if they have, they are not sure how to recognize it.  This is common thinking.
I believe the Holy Spirit communicates with us all the time and we MUST pay attention and come to understand HOW He speaks to us so that we can follow His directions.
Mini Lesson on Personal Revelation 

As we go through some of these thoughts, will you take note of how the Spirit speaks to you?  I’ve seen all too often the common misconception that you either have a burning in your bosom or you have a stupor of thought—and that’s it.  The Spirit communicates truth and revelation to us in numerous ways—and it is good to come to know some of those ways so we can be ready for those answers, thoughts, inspirations, guidance and insights when they do come.
First of all, Elder Neal A. Maxwell said:
“God the Eternal Father and His Son Jesus Christ are giving away the secrets of the Universe if we will only not be offended at their generosity.”
 In a nutshell that is what we read in Romans. 
Con amor,