Saturday, August 24, 2019

Feeling like Imelda Marcos

Daniel and I went walking to find a shoe shop near our home he loves because they make good quality leather shoes. I wanted to splurge on a pair of the most gorgeous cowgirl style boots I saw at their window display that I have ever seen!  

We tried a pair and another pair and another and could not decide so we bought all seven pairs. One for Daniel and six for me. I didn’t want to but Daniel insisted.  

I don’t know why but for me there is just something so exciting about buying a brand new pair of cute shoes :)!  I don’t even know why as women, we feel so much joy buying a new pair of shoes but it causes happiness and that is a phenomenon that could not be explained with words, but it is SO TRUE! 

 I heard that there really is an explanation that scientists have come up with regarding our obsession with cute shoes.  According to studies, when a woman buys a new pair of shoes researchers have indicated that “The neurotransmitter dopamine is released, providing a feel-good high, like taking a drug,” And apparently, it is not just an increase of dopamine at work: “Shoes are a collector’s item, whether women realize they perceive them that way or not,” Just think of how they’re often stored artfully on shoe trees and shelves. “They’re like sculptures,” As a result, collecting each type provides a mini-adrenaline rush like the satisfaction a stamp collector gets when he acquires a rare find.” According to experts. 

I can’t really speak for men because I don’t really know what it does for men, but for women, ah yes, for women the purchasing of a new pair of shoes can literally change your mood.   And for the men reading I am about to share some tips for you that will save your relationships and buy you huge brownie points with your woman:

If you ever want to impress your lady, buy her a new pair of shoes, or if you are afraid to pick them out for her you can give her a gift certificate to order her own shoes. Nothing will get you out of trouble more quickly than a new pair of shoes, except maybe diamonds, but shoes are much cheaper :).     

A second tip for men is to recognize that whatever shoes a woman puts on for the day will tell you everything about the mood she is in including casual shoes, sports shoes, Church shoes, dancing shoes, take me out on a nice date shoes, etc. Yes, every shoe we wear reflects something about how we are feeling that day. We are not practical the way men are when wearing shoes. We were shoes because they are cute not because they are comfortable.  

O.k. I admit that I went a little crazy today buying too many shoes but research clearly indicates that our shoe obsession is a chemical problem in our brains with dopamine and adrenaline!  Yikes! I better give a pair away. I know someone who has my same shoe size and I think she will love them. I should also stay away from that shoe store for a while or I will end up like Imelda Marcos. 

Con amor,

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