Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Feeling old?

Today is not my birthday but why am I feeling so old? 

When your daughters are in their 30’s is when you start to feel old. 

Some days I look in the mirror and don’t recognize the aging woman staring back at me because she looks nothing like my young spirit on the inside.   

It’s so crazy because I remember thinking I will never get old but was I wrong! when you aren’t looking in the mirror you see yourself as this young adult who never ages, but when you look into the mirror you see this other person who just keeps getting older and older.  The wrinkles continue to come and the roots turning gray start to spread well beyond the point of being able to be referred to as roots anymore.  

On the inside you feel like your spirit has all this energy, but on the outside your body is slowly deteriorating and the things you once did with little or no effort suddenly ending up causing aches and pains that take longer and longer to heal. I got something weird on my right foot that aches so much when I have done a lot of walking. I think is called plantar fasciitis. You find yourself attempting crazy stupid physical challenges only to be faced with the rude awakening that your body is no longer able to do what your spirit thought it could. 

There is no question that the aging person in the mirror can be tough to face, but it is something we all end up having to do… I came across several facts that put time and aging into perspective – (just a quick warning before you read them, these facts might make you recognize just how old you actually are)

All of these were launched when my girls were toddlers
The very first cell phones that looked like bricks 
Nintendo games were a hot item for Christmas
Movies like Lion King, Little mermaid and Annie were making their debut shows
The Simpsons TV show was popular 
Mash was a big TV show to watch with friends 
Google was not even created yet and no internet to speak of.  

That is proof of how old I am. Despite the wrinkles and aches and pains I suppose there are some positives to growing old.  We gain wisdom and understanding; we gain confidence and a better sense of self; we get to look forward to having grandchildren; and eventually we even get a great senior discount at restaurants and stores. 

Here’s to all my pears that we have accomplished and endured in our lives that have brought us to where we are today… 

And here is to every hard -earned gray hair and wrinkle we have accumulated to this point… 

And finally, here is to that young spirit inside and the aging person staring back at me in the mirror, because I think both are amazing! 

Con amor,

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