Thursday, August 8, 2019

Baby It’s Cold Outside!

Rain mixed with wet wind = I’m FREEZING! I went out to our nice balcony to clean the furniture that was getting a little dirty from the dust from the construction next door and I felt so cold! I can’t wait for the sun to come out. Gloomy days get me down. 

 I am not much of a Winter girl only because I just can’t stand to be cold. Daniel and I have a constant battle over the temperature in our house I want the temperature turned WAY up and my husband wants it turned way down but with time he has gotten used to my liking and now he even likes it hotter. A win for me! 

This is August people but we are in Argentina. All this cold weather has reminded me that I would love to stay in Argentina for the Holidays. All those cold months in the U.S. are the Summer months in my neck of the woods so come on over and let’s celebrate Christmas with white sand and not white snow. Yay! 

We are cold today but the only consolation is that it will start to get warmer again in September and will continue for six more months. If I get my wish maybe we might go to a nice resort here for my 60thbirthday. That will be on January 3rdand hopefully I have some friends by then whom I could invite. I have not yet explored the expat community here but I am afraid they live a little too far from where we live. We will see. I only know the best is yet to come! 

Con amor,

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