Friday, August 9, 2019

I can’t believe I ate the whole thing!

Unfortunately, I came down with a horrible stomach upset from eating way too much last night. Daniel made the most fabulous pasta and I ate it all. Nothing got done. I have spent all day in bed sick and I hate it!  I felt like I had a fever and did not have any energy to do anything. This was not a very productive day L

Being sick has to be one of my least favorite things in the entire world.  Being confined to bed with no energy to do anything ranks right down at the very bottom of my things I want to experience.  If it wasn’t for Buscapina I don’t think I would be able to survive this horrible stomach ache!  So what is on my mind this weekend? Is thank heavens for an amazing husband who has taken good care of me while I’ve been sick. 

The down side of Buscapina is it doesn’t exactly give you energy when it’s time to type your daily blog, so I am going to keep today’s message brief.

In all seriousness, I hope all of you have a happy and healthy rest of the Summer. Eat healthy and please don’t over eat. Take your vitamin C and your Zinc.  Don’t get sick.  And if you do get sick, well then thank heaven for vegetable soup and Buscapina! 

Con amor,

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