Thursday, June 17, 2021

7 Rules of Life

The 7 Rules of Life I learned reading Doctrine and Covenants: 

From section 1 to 64 it was known as the book of commandments. 

People had high expectations with what Zion in Independence Missouri would look like. I think it taught us to see failure as a beginning, not an end. 

There were people who had grudges about insignificant things which taught us to make peace with your past, and let it go. 

The early Saints needed to decide whether to continue with old habits or not. It taught me the habits decide your future. Act accordingly. 

For many faithful members it was a matter on focusing on what really mattered. If you don't go after it, you won't have it. 

They were frugal. They new they first needed to save in order to invest before they spend their money. 

The members who were faithful did not pay attendant to the negative apostates. They learned to avoid negative people like the plague. Life is too short to be with toxic people.

Each member brings in different talents, they learned to never compare themselves with others. Some were good writers, others good making things etc. We need each other. 

Con amor,


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