Saturday, August 23, 2014

My turn is up

It is our turn to clean the chapel today. But of course Daniel is out of town so I'll go myself. In our ward the bishop puts a calendar together for the whole year and you supposed to know when is your turn to do anything like a talk or your turn to give a prayer and even your turn to clean so if it wasn't for the fact that I looked into this calendar and wrote it down on my day planner I would not have the slidest idea because no one calls us to reminds us.

 I have always wonder if this is a good policy to have or not. I like that things are organized in advance but I also think that people generally need a reminder. However it forces you to be accountable and that is the point of just having it posted a year in advance. I like a combination of both, I like that things are organized far in advance but I like to get a friendly reminder via email. or text message or voice mail so that we feel like someone is actually in charge. If is not ever communicated it probably won't happen like cleaning the chapel. I wonder how many do remember to do it each Saturday.

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