Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Organizing the nest

There is such a good feeling that comes when all those old papers are filed, all bills are paid and the clutter is gone from a big pile to nothing.  I got so much mail to go through today that I have been putting away into a box for months, mostly junk mail but today I want to put it all away or throw it away and if I find some treasures, I will start my new scrapbook.

 I have learned that if I need to accomplish something, I need to write it down so my plan for today is to have a clean and organized home and I will start with clearing out the office but I know my ADD will kick in and who knows where I'll end up. LOL

It all started when Daniel came home and asked me for the black case that has our wedding pictures in. I knew where I had seen them on a shelf by some books last so I went to look for them but it wasn't there. I looked in every shelf and nothing. I went to all the logical places and nothing so I decided to say a little prayer and asked my Heavenly Father to guide me of where I should look for this cd with all those pictures. I must have put it somewhere in the house but where? and almost in an instant a thought came to me to look in the little storage closet inside a black box where I keep old prints and as I opened the box there it was. Found it! I said another prayer of thank you to my Heavenly Father for prompting me of where to look.

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