Sunday, January 25, 2015

Our power to be a force for good

Today Daniel gave a talk based on our many blessings. Many people have come afterwards to thank him. There was not a dry eye in the room and the spirit was so strong. I even think  his father must have been present because he spoke of his great example and influence he was for good.  He spoke of being grateful of our many blessings and touched on what his father taught him. The amazing thing is that he doesn't read his talks nor writes them. He only writes a few things to talk about and gets guided by the spirit. One  thing is that he mentioned me as a wife who is always helping him out and what a good influence I am for him. Me really?  I was so touched by his appreciation for me. I follow an amazing blogger who thinks like me, that is why I follow her I guess and because she writes from the heart things I have thought about too. She doesn't mind people sharing her message because she is obviously writing for people to quote her so this is what Amy Anderson wrote:

"What impact do you want to have? How do you want to influence your world? In each of our lives, at some point we will find ourselves in a position of influence. It may be influence that comes as a result of a talent in filmmaking, or acting, or music, or writing, or speaking, or politics, or leadership, or something else, but it is a certainty that we will each have a point in our lives where using our talents puts us in a position to influence others. For some it will be a platform that allows them to influence millions and millions, and for others it will be a platform that may influence just one. Yes, each of us will have an opportunity to influence an untold number of people during our lives. So the question has to be asked is, “What will we do with our moment in the sun? How will we choose to use our influence? And what impact do we hope to have?”

I have spent several days now attending the Sundance Film Festival. As such I have seen several films and been able to see several filmmakers and several famous actors and actresses. Some of the films I have seen thus far have been incredibly touching stories that educated and inspired me. Other films have done the exact opposite of that and I have chosen to walk out of them early. I suppose that is what got me to thinking about this subject. Here are people who have been given an incredible platform in the film festival to have their movies seen by a tremendous number of people. Some of the filmmakers and actors are using that platform to share incredible stories that educate and inspire. Others are not. For the ones that aren’t I can’t help think about what a shame it is that their influence wasn’t used for something amazing.

It’s such a powerful opportunity to have the ability to influence others. None of us should ever waste that chance to do something amazing with our opportunity. We should think of the legacy we want our moment in the sun to leave behind.

When I look back on my life I sincerely hope that I can feel at peace that I used any platform I was blessed to be given to do good things that help impact this world for the better. I hope I always use it to lift and inspire and serve and help. I hope I never waste one ounce of opportunity to use my influence to do good.

I am incredibly grateful for those people in this world that have achieved a moment of fame and used that fame to impact others for good. I thank them for inspiring my life and making it better because they were in it.

“Get around people who have something of value to share with you. Their impact will continue to have a significant effect on your life long after they have departed.” –Jim Rohn

Have a tremendous day everyone!"

I second every word that Amy says. I admire people like her who has gotten to taste success and fame to bless the lives of others by being such good influence to all she comes in contact including me. I also hope your day is fabulous!

1 comment:

Vilhelm man said...

Beautiful and relaxing sunday to you!
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