Friday, January 23, 2015

It's Friday, time to relax!!

I love the start of a weekend because it is when I can be home with Daniel but not today, he is on a trip to Turks and Caicos and won't be home till tomorrow afternoon :( I love Fridays when he is around but when he is not around I do spend my time scrapbooking or organizing my home or reading or anything that keeps me busy. This is the time I follow a few bloggers and sometimes I even find good articles on line posted by random people on facebook. The other day I read this one:

Ladies, honor your husbands. This is the most important earthly relationship that you will have.

Speak lovingly to them.

Cherish them.

Cleave to them and to none else.

Build them up, encourage them.

Spend meaningful time with them.

Do not violate his trust.

Don't let another man fill his shoes - physically, mentally, or emotionally. Life is never stagnant. Rather it's ever flowing, ever moving, and always changing. That's the way I like it.

That is the way men like it too!! It seems like we need to be reinventing ourselves to look attractive to them or at least let them know you are thinking about them. I wrote him a note before he took off and stuck it in  his little suitcase for him to open when he got in.  I always tell Daniel that Freud's theory was inspired. Men need intimacy above anything else if you know what I mean! LOL 

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