Friday, January 16, 2015

Habits to develop

In the DR there is a woman and husband who run a little factory business in their home. They make dolls and wooden objects. We are probably one of their best customers. For five years we have purchased Dominican dolls and nativities. Today we all went to San Cristobal to place an order. they are now investigating the Church and have set a baptism date for February 14. Many old habits will have to change but it can happen. I read an article that I want to share from Amy Anderson, my favorite blogger. I read several blogs but I always go back to what she has to say because she takes the words out of my mouth.

"Studies show it takes 21 days to form a new habit. 21 days. You can do ANYTHING for 21 days if you simply set your resolve that you are going to do it! Don’t give yourself an out. Take a calendar and highlight 21 days for your habit to form and mark each day off as you accomplish it. Another thing that can help is to write down a list of benefits you will get from the new habit you start. For example, if it’s eating healthy you can write down things like: Looking better, fitting my cute skinny jeans again, having more energy, etc. Writing down the benefits will serve as good motivation for you to keep on track for the 21 day period. Set little rewards for yourself when you hit milestones within the 21 days, for example, at day 5 I get this prize and at day 10 I get this, all the way to day 21 when I get to buy a new wardrobe for myself :), etc. These are just little tricks to help you as you establish your new habits.

If you are wondering what new habits you might want to form, I found a list of ideas for fabulous habits people might implement." Amy

1. Habitually think the best of the people you care about.

2. Habitually find the positive side of any equation.

3. Habitually set up a time to read more, grow more, learn more — every day or several times a week.

4. Habitually treat people better — make it a personal standard.

5. Habitually look for the beauty in the world around you.

6. Habitually clean up your language.

7. Habitually do things to take care of your physical self (a challenge for most of us, if there ever was one).

8. Habitually save money.

9. Habitually start looking for new opportunities around you.

10. Habitually make the most of every day.

11. Habitually plan your day or your week, and follow the plan.

12. Habitually take stock of your successes and your needs.

13. Habitually love your family — and spend time with them.

My habits I am working on are: Start my day with a prayer, Read the scriptures every day, Work on Family History, Write my story, practice piano, practice French, attend the temple, exercise, eat healthy, organize the house, save money for investing.

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