Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Filipino Focus

Today the sisters in our ward had a Filipino Focus activity from 9:00 a.m. to noon. It was at the home of Kim Morrison who also lives in the same neighborhood we live in. The Relief Society has this activity every August of every year to welcome the ex-pat ladies to the ward.

They gave me a tote bag with goodies like a water bottle, small rolls of tissue paper, hand sanitizer, dish lotion and a sponge and some snacks like dry mangoes and crackers and peanut butter. In the bag they also included a hand out of the sisters in the ward with email addresses and telephone numbers and other information pertaining to Manila and favorite things to do and tips like favorite places to go grocery shopping, eating out, shopping, outings, day trips, vacation spots, etc.

We learned how to make Adobo a type of marinating sauce for any meat and then we had a cultural presentation on the Filipino culture and a travel presentation of points of interest. We finished up eating and visiting. What a lovely and enjoyable time! This sister had been here for 9 years and knows all the ropes. She is our Cindi Lee of the Dominican Republic.

I hope I can get to know so many interesting people here in Manila and adapt to this new culture. It is so fun to learn different dishes and today I tried a mango dessert to die for and so easy to make. I can't wait to try this here because Daniel love mangos and it requires no baking.

Con amor,


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