Saturday, March 26, 2016

Pagsanjan Falls Odyssey

Today I finally convinced Daniel to come with me to one of the missionary field trips they plan every month. This time was to go to the famous Paganjan Falls via a canoe. We were to meet at the office at around 7:15 to gather and car pool to this place about two hours away. Three cars were going. We went with two other couples: The Webbs and Bradshaws who had never gone to those falls and the driver had just arrived in Manila. As we took off we were the first ones out of there and turned left instead of right the way the others were going. We could have corrected and followed them but we made the wrong turn thinking that eventually we would catch up to them but we got lost instead. When I saw that we were not following those that knew the way, I had a bad feeling and I was right.

We got lost for three hours actually. So when we got there, there was no parking and they had all gone to see the falls. As we were going they were coming back. When we got back from the falls they were done eating and some had already left to go home so to make a long story short, we were never together with the rest of the group because we didn't follow them from the beginning. We kept making the wrong turns and kept going around in circles.

We would ask at gas stations and people would tell us to go here or there but they really didn't know. Daniel had a app that showed us sort of where we needed to go and finally got to the Lodge. It turned out to be a fun river boat ride since the scenery is absolutely beautiful. For the first time I knew I was in Manila. The boatmen took us to the falls and practically carried us at some points during this journey. I wished there was a way we could helped them but they were the only ones allowed to paddled our boat. This place is something that I am sure has been featured in the National Geographic because it is that beautiful. We took pictures but probably will never see them since our phone got ruined with all that water. The only bad part about it, was wetting our phone too much and having it go dead. We don't know if when it dries up it will work again.

It was a good thing we came with them because Daniel had another phone that we used to get home and Daniel directed the driver on where tu turn. In two places the driver would have gone into some one way streets if Daniel had not been there. We came back a different way since this was actually the right way and saw many rural areas where they sold fruit. We bought a pineapple for a dollar and over all had a nice time but we learned a lesson that day. Moral of the story: When you don't know where you are going, follow someone who does.

Con amor,

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