Sunday, July 5, 2020

God's Greatest Gift

Thoughts on 108 of quarantine.

“Next to the bestowal of life itself, the right to direct that life is God’s greatest gift to man. . . . Freedom of choice is more to be treasured than any possession earth can give. It is inherent in the spirit of man. It is a divine gift to every normal being. . .  Everyone has this most precious of all life’s endowments—the gift of free agency—man’s inherited and inalienable right.”  – David O. McKay

Today was a good day. I had a chance to spend time talking with my mom over the phone. We went over some scriptures found in the Book of Mormon and told her my feelings about them. One scripture in particular talks about the four C’s: Christ, Choice, Covenants and Conversion. She wrote them down. In Spanish only the word choice does not start with a C but we discussed a lot about how lucky we are that we are free to choose. 

Since she is inside a hotel, yesterday being the 4thof July came and went without them doing anything other than talking to family. They need to stay in isolation until it’s safe for them to get out. That must be so hard for them but my mom knows that it’s not the end of the world and, in the future, there will be many other fabulous holidays she will be spending with loved ones and friends.

My mom and I discussed so many things and among them how grateful we are for those who fight for our freedom. Today I feel patriotic and wanted to personally express my thanks to all those men and women who serve our country today as well as all of those who have served our country in the past.  I have so much respect for those who sacrifice by serving.  Americans are so blessed and so lucky to live in a country that enjoys the freedoms that they do and that wouldn’t happen if it wasn’t for those people who protect and defend that freedom. From the bottom of my heart, A BIG THANK YOU!

Even though many people live in parts of this world that don’t enjoy the same freedom people do in America, never forget that God gave every person on this earth the freedom to choose for themselves, and no one can ever take that gift away from them.

As we end one more 4thof July holiday I love the words spoken by Richard L. Evans in an address he gave titled “Thank God For Freedom.

“May we take a moment from some of the side issues and from some of the irrelevant celebration, and clear our thoughts and humble our hearts and get down on our knees and simply, fervently, thank God for freedom—and then get on our feet with a firm resolve to preserve it against all who secretly or openly would set it aside.

Thank God for freedom—and for the Founding Fathers who reaffirmed to a new nation, an eternal, timeless truth: that the right of choice—that the free agency of man—is a God-given inalienable right, and is essential to the peace and growth and progress and salvation of the very soul.”

God Bless the United States of America and God bless every one! 

Con amor,

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