Thursday, July 9, 2020

Sleepless in Buenos Aires

Thoughts on 112 days of quarantine.

Today is the Independence day in Argentina but it has been a day like any other. No change for us other than Daniel had a meeting from people in Utah. The only thing is that many people were out protesting how the government is letting their friends who are criminals out, with the excuse of the pandemic. It's so obvious the corruption that exists within the executive and judicial powers. Many people have expressed high anxiety and sleepless nights.

“One woman wrote, I have been up all night long! Not one single minute of sleep. I have a lot on my mind yet even when I don’t I am a terrible sleeper. Help! I need some ideas of how to turn my brain off without medication." 

Ideas of what to do when you can’t sleep:
Take deep breaths: inhale for three seconds and exhale for three seconds 
Eat heathy. Quit all sugars and processed foods, low on carbs and red meat
Daniel likes to drink milk 
Writing those things in a journal helps. Do what is called mapping. 
Write whatever thought comes to your mind, then change it to positive.
Working out an hour for five days a week 
Do not drink anything that contains caffeine
Stress release essential oils for sleep found on YouTube 
Listen to soothing music 
Download the Moshi app. A bedtime stories and meditation and music
Herbal tea like guava tea
Count backwards from 100 and by 20 you out 
At night, put all electronic devices out like phones, tablets, TV 
Listen to the scriptures or talks
Get the app Sleep with Me (on apple podcasts)

Con amor,

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