Saturday, August 15, 2020

Another ordinary holiday weekend

Thoughts on 149 days of quarantine. 


Today Daniel reminded me that it’s a Holiday weekend. Seriously, how ironic that we are closer than ever before to Daniel’s family but can’t ever go over to where they are. Today if it wasn’t for this pandemic we would be in Uruguay for sure. 


How strange is that for the first time, holiday weekends are just like any other weekend of the year. Not only is not that special but it does not add an extra day to your weekend since each day is the same. We can’t go anywhere. I don’t mean to sound negative but that is our reality here in Argentina. We are not free to do whatever we want or go wherever we want. Nevertheless, we are free to choose to be happy. 


Daniel will have one day off on Monday to relax from the madness and do absolutely nothing except rest and enjoy our time together.  And what better time to do that than a holiday weekend?!?  It’s like the universe is saying “okay, you can take a break because the rest of the world will take a break with you”. I think we are going to sit and watch a lot of good movies together or watch old soccer matches. We both miss watching our favorite teams play. 


I honestly think we don’t spend nearly enough time just being happy.  We are always busy, always rushing, always trying to accomplish our list of never ending to-do’s that only grow longer with every item we check off as done…it never ends…and so every now and then we must decide to stay still, at least for this moment. It is time to pause, and enjoy each other’s company. Yay! No stressing.  No cleaning.  No emails.  No working.  No anything that isn’t spelled relax! That is what we plan to do for a change. Daniel never takes breaks all week-long so this holiday weekend feels heavenly! 


Con amor,


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