Thursday, August 13, 2020

My daily chores

Thoughts on 147 days of quarantine. 


A dear friend texted me today asking, how are you doing? what are you doing to pass the time? Well, here is a list of a few things I might do while I sit home, taken from ideas by William Snell. 


Pray each morning and night.

Do a special fast for someone.

watch the sunrise and sunset from our balcony 

Do yoga.

Do meditation.

Work on family history 

Call my mom.

Do come follow me, scripture study.

Read books.

Practice the piano.


Cook a new recipe.

Make homemade bread.

Make homemade tortillas.

Make inventory for food storage and pantry.

Wash and fold clothes.

Iron shirts.

Clean each room around the house.

Do tax documentation.  

Pay bills.

Write in journal.

Write in gratitude journal.

Write blog posts.

Write weekly letters.

Write a few pages each day for the book.

Grow my own herbs.

Learn three clean jokes.

Wear nice clothes even when staying home.

Remember other people’s birthdays.

Buy grandchildren birthday gifts on Amazon.

Buy nice gifts for people who are getting married. 

Be of moral support when people need you.

Get in touch with an old friend.

Call people on their birthdays. 

Watch a good series like “The Chosen” 

Organize all photos.

Make scrapbook albums from old photos.

Make ABC books for grandbabies. 

Plan our home leave when travel is available. 


Con amor,



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