Saturday, August 8, 2020

How to navigate the clouds of sorrow

Thoughts on 142 days of quarantine.


As we are now twenty weeks into the COVID-19 pandemic, I want to write down some of my feelings from the 20th floor of my apartment in Buenos Aires where we are experiencing Winter and where the lockdown has been hyper strict. 


I have felt great sorrow about this pandemic because it has hurt so many families, including mine. I have mourned with families who have lost loved ones including a special friend from my childhood. Many have lost jobs, including my brother- in –law. Many around the world have struggled to find adequate food and supplies. I have seen it every day as the Churchs Bishop Storehouses around the world are giving out food orders like never before. Graduation ceremonies, including our own granddaughters were cancelled. Marriages, including our Nephews were postponed or altered in some way. Trips and family reunions planned were not taken. We still have not taken our home leave this year. I feel great sympathy for all who have suffered a loss or had to adapt to new changes. 


At the same time, Daniel and I have learned so much the same way President Nelson expressed it so eloquently: Even through clouds of sorrow, we have found some silver linings. Many families have re-enthroned their homes as sanctuaries of faith. Many better understand how important the family is and that it really is ordained of God, with an eternal destiny. 


We’ve also learned fear, isolation, and loss can be mitigated by immersing oneself in caring for other people. Countless healthcare professionals have risked their own lives to care for others. Farmers, pharmacists, truckers, grocers, and others have risked their own health to serve the urgent needs of others.


Dear friends, the road ahead may be bumpy, but our destination is serene and secure. So, fasten your seatbelt, hang on through the bumps, and do what's right. Your reward will be eternal. In 1831 the Lord made a promise to his Saints. It still applies to each of us today:

“Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come” (Doctrine and Covenants 68:6).


Yesterday was a good reminder that this is true. We had a wonderful lecture given by my tiosFranklin and Norma Henriquez as we went over some important chapters in the Book of Mormon where Alma teaches about the plan of Happiness. I was asked to give the opening prayer and felt the love of my Savior and for that, I am grateful! 


Con amor,


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