Sunday, January 27, 2019

Weight loss drink

Today I realize that in a  month I should be traveling to Viet Nam and my goal to lose 10 to 20 lbs. never happened because I simply can't stop eating yummy food so I am going to have to resort to desperate measures.  I discovered a drink that helps lose the fat on your tummy. It is also good for  those people who often get kidney stones.

There are several recipes but the most simple one is just two ingredients: I 60 grams of Parsley and 1 lemon combine with 300 ml of water blended together. This drink can be taken before going to bed and first thing in he morning for better results. Drink this juice for 7 days and you will notice a flatter tummy. I will start this cleaning next week to see what happens.

Another recipe has:
1 cucumber
1 bunch or handful of parsley or cilantro or both
1 lemon or half depending on the size
1T ginger
1T aloe vera juice
1 C water

There is also a cucumber diet:
1 bowl of cucumber salad and 2 hard boil eggs
1 apple or peach or 5 plums
1 piece of toast with bowl of cucumber salad
Cucumber shake
300 grams of fruit of your choice

Repeat for 7 days

Recipe for cucumber salad:
400 grams of cucumber
200  ml of yogurt or sour milk
a pinch of salt
1 T onion

Miracle shake:
1 cucumber
1 apple
1 bunch of spinach

Ok so this will be my for 7 days and I do hope this works!

Con amor,

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