Saturday, January 19, 2019

What I learned from Eve

Yesterday Daniel and I attended the temple and as I watched closely the new images and way of doing the ordinances I thought of a scripture in Moses 1:4 And, behold, thou art my son; wherefore look, and I will show thee the workmanship of mine hands; but not all, for my works are without end, and also my words, for they never cease." The restoration continues. What I saw today was clearly a signal of even greater things to come.

 I also felt impressed to think of Eve who gave it her all!  She was a dedicated woman to her husband and her children. If she was going to do something in her life of some significance she was going to do it 100% and she never wanted to be the first woman who did things halfway.  I just felt that if she was going to put her name on something such as being the mother of all living she would want to be proud of motherhood.  After all, if she wasn’t going to give birth what would have been the point of her existence? that just seemed silly to me. 

Another thing I noticed was how much time many people waste in their day doing things that don’t help them to move forward toward their goals when they could be spending that hour and a half in the temple.  After reading the quote below, I thought to myself, “If I just commit to doing a little bit more each day while others are wasting time then just think how far I can get in my life” and attending the temple is much better than, watching TV or the internet. 

 “The average person puts only 25%of his energy and ability into his work.

The world takes off its hat to thosewho put in more than 50% of their capacity,

and stands on its head for thosefew and far between soulswho devote 100%.” – Andrew Carnegie

 I decided from now on to be one of those people who devotes herself 100% to every endeavor.  I know Daniel is that way and doing so has served him incredibly well in his life. Has it been difficult at times – absolutely!  But he goes to bed each night knowing that he has accomplished everything he could possibly have accomplished with the day it was given –  And there is great satisfaction that comes from knowing you are not wasting a single moment of the time God has granted you on this earth. 

 All that being said, I have come to realize that with all that desire to give myself 100% to every endeavor, I don’t want to become so incredibly busy woman that I forget to give that same 100% effort to the things that matter the very most in my life:  my husband, my children and grandchildren, my extended family, and my loved ones.  I think many of us make that same mistake of forgetting to prioritize our families amongst all the other responsibilities we have in life.  Somehow our families drop to the bottom of the day’s list of to-do’s and if the daytime runs out then they simply don’t get their adequate time from us.  We fail to give our families 100% of our efforts, and that is the biggest failure of all.

Today I have a new resolve and that is to first do better to treat my family time with the same 100% effort I plan to give to everything else I do in my life and attend the temple each week. It’s in my dream poster. Now when I go to bed at night I want to be able to do so knowing that not only did I give 100% to those things I am involved in, but I also gave 100% to my family each day…if I can do that consistently then that will equal true success in life…

Con amor,

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