Thursday, January 17, 2019

Devotional with Elder Holland

On Tuesday we had a special devotional with the area office employees with Elder Holland but what was most special about this day is that Elder Holland asked my husband to say a few words at the beginning as he was conducting so Daniel had the opportunity to express how much we are enjoying our assignment in the Philippines and of his appreciation to the people who work under his helm.

Daniel bore his testimony of the revelation flowing he saw first hand when the area plan was first conceived. He was there from the beginning three and a half years ago and he was the only one left as the new Presidency continued to revise the area plan. He told of a touching moment in his life when Elder Holland offered him a blessing when he learned that Daniel had cancer. "This was a scary time in my life" Daniel added.

Elder Holland also expressed his admiration for Daniel and told Daniel that he remembers that day of the blessing very well. He told our employees that Daniel was an exceptional senior DTA if there is a word to describe Daniel is "quintessential" as a DTA and as he was saying those things about my husband I couldn't be more proud.

Elder Holland explained that Sister Holland's health has declined but she is well. He thanked the people there for their prayers. He told them that he prays for them too. He asked the employees to thank people for what they do. He quoted Napoleon saying that A soldier can only fight on his stomach meaning that he needs to be fed and nourished. "It does not cost anything to show appreciation to those who serve us." He said.

He told of the scripture found on 1 Corinthians 12 that talks about the body is not one member but many members of your body and how the arms and legs and eyes and all what constitutes our body is important as the employees are all important to do the work. "Whatever we do in this Church has to be the very best. We are placed in a higher standard than people who work outside and many people would love to work for the Church. Keep that high level of commitment." He said.

Revelation continues and on January 2 of this year all the temples around the world implemented those changes and that is a tribute to you who are doing all the work behind the scenes. We want to change the culture of using the name of the Church as the Church of Jesus Christ. As an apostle as a witness of Him I need to know all of His names, study His names in all the scriptures.

Examples: He is the Hight Priest of all good things to come. We need to believe that all trouble times will come to an end. That is called hope. Another name is The bright and morning star. (like the sun) He will appear in the East. No matter how dark the night, we know that the sun will come out. He is the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end. The first and and the last. For me and my family He is everything.

Toward the end of his remarks, he made a tribute to all women. Mothers, grandmothers, wives, sisters, daughters. The creation was not complete until a woman was created. He ended testifying as a real witness of the Lord Jesus Christ and our Savior and Redeemer.

Con amor,

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