Saturday, January 12, 2019

Elder Holland is here!

Amazing to think that Elder Holland arrived in the Philippines yesterday, January 11 so Daniel and I went to Urdaneta to look at the site once again before the temple ground-braking next week. There is a committee helping with all the logistics of this mega event. The choir was practicing and sounded amazing!

 It's such a long drive that we left yesterday to stay over night at a near city, (Clark) so we didn't have to travel for so long in just one day which is what we did last Saturday and that was way too hard. Waking up so early and coming home so late. Daniel has been doing that every day this past week as he had a lot of meetings early in morning and going to bed way late so much that he almost felt asleep coming home one day and that can be dangerous.

It is so good when things come together as people cooperate with each other the way it should be. Daniel is very detail oriented so he asked a lot of questions about every little thing so I think we are ready. The members are so excited about having a temple so close to them. what a blessing this is and I am so happy for them.

Tomorrow he is going to preside over a multi-stake Conference for all of the 107 stakes in the Philippines and he is doing a special devotional for couples too. I will write about it tomorrow.

Con amor,

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